Does this look like the max I can get out of my E6400 ?

8 Jul 2006
Hi this is my first overclock and I followed a guide on the net for my motherboard which is a evga 680i

any way I currently have my E6400 running at 3.3GHz

It said in the guide not to go any higher than the voltage they recommended so I am just wondering if I have reached my max ?

Voltage settings

CPU core = 1.45 V

CPU FSB = 1.5

N force SPP = 1.50

Temps (speed fan)

CPU = 41c

core 0 = 43c

core 1 = 45c

Temps taken 5 minutes after vista load - PC not running much !
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Is it stable?

Run an orthos test, and stress out the cpu, then take the temperature readings.
Jay™ said:
Is it stable?

Run an orthos test, and stress out the cpu, then take the temperature readings.

havent done any proper tests yet ... Well I played rome total war for about 20 minutes and that played fine. temps seem fine as well looking at speed fan I will give this orthos test a go.
Most people recommend 8 hours, I like to run my stability tests for atleast 24 (Ran everest for 36 hours to test my OC).
I clocked mine today, (same cpu) furthest it will go on short stress tests is 3.2ghz. Tried 3.3 then 3.25 but the voltage increase to go from 3.2 was silly and kept cutting out. So have opted to stick with 3.2 and give it a full on stress test tommorow.

Anyways ran orthos 15 mins @ 3.3ghz & 1.45v, max temp 69 degrees :eek:

and 15 mins @ 3.2ghz & 1.35v, max temp 60 degrees :)

I guess my chip don't like being pushed further than 3.2ghz. Still a whole 1/3 speed increase is not to be sniffed at i guess :D
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