Dogs Outside 24/7 and Barking Regularly

4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Our neighbours have decided to keep their dogs outside 24/7. The dogs are barking literally any time during that period, be that 2am or 6am etc

They are small dogs, look like a sort of cross breed about the size of a jack russell and another miniature dachshund. I get the impression the dogs arent used to it as they bark at the slightest sound. Hence during the day they bark at least once every 30 minutes, probably more like every 10 minutes.

They have been outside during the fireworks for the last 3 nights, every single firework... bark bark howl bark howl etc etc

I dont really want a doorfront confrontation and they clearly dont care as every dog owner I have ever known (and I had dogs myself) would not leave them obviously distressed outside.

So does anyone have any advice other than a doorstep confrontation. I dont get why people would want to keep dogs and have them outside all day and night.

What are the options, RSPCA or council for noise abuse or anything else?
Just ride it out, hopefully it's just until people get bored of fireworks. Could talk to your other neighbours see if they think the same. If it continues I would go around and tell them, be aggressive or they might laugh in your face.
Yup, contact the council or the RSPCA to investigate, shouldn't really be leaving small pets like that outside, especially now the temp is dropping, poor dogs :( Especially leaving them outside on fireworks night!! That must have been awful for them :(
Where is this? I have a jack russell cross and a daschund :p Fireworks have been a nightmare with them to be honest, can keep them calm sometimes but if they want to bark there's only so much to do to keep them quiet.

Agreed with leaving them outside 24/7, it's ridiculous, especially during winter.
Where is this? I have a jack russell cross and a daschund :p Fireworks have been a nightmare with them to be honest, can keep them calm sometimes but if they want to bark there's only so much to do to keep them quiet.

Agreed with leaving them outside 24/7, it's ridiculous, especially during winter.

Suffolk so your off the hook ;)
Why can't you talk to the owners? It doesn't have to become a confrontation - just tell them it's bothering you and ask if they can consider that before letting the dogs out.
Why can't you talk to the owners? It doesn't have to become a confrontation - just tell them it's bothering you and ask if they can consider that before letting the dogs out.

Because they are outside 24/7 so its not them letting them out. And the owners are a bit scummy so I dont really want to put myself into the situation where they are likely to see it as confrontational
Why can't you talk to the owners? It doesn't have to become a confrontation - just tell them it's bothering you and ask if they can consider that before letting the dogs out.


You're assuming already that they're going to be unreasonable, you should approach them and discuss it with them first. Don't just go round and have a rant but explain your pov and ask them if they could keep them inside at night. If they are unreasonable and it turns into a confrontation then call up your local authorities environmental health team if the noise is happening at night (in particular after 11pm).

You should approach them first though, they might genuinely be unaware of the issue and calling in the authorities without first at least talking to them would be a bit out of order IMO.
Because they are outside 24/7 so its not them letting them out. And the owners are a bit scummy so I dont really want to put myself into the situation where they are likely to see it as confrontational

If you don't want to talk to them because you think they're 'scummy' then drop round a polite note or something - at least make contact with them by some means to highlight the problem as calling the council etc.. without first giving them a chance to rectify the solution might well be more likely to wind them up.
they might genuinely be unaware of the issue.

No offence but they must be completely aware, the dogs are barking like bonkers and they are in their house. How can they possibly be unaware?

Put it this way, a few times we have had to turn the TV up as we couldnt hear it properly. Its in our front room and the dogs are out the back. Ok this was a few weeks back when we had the windows open but unless they are deaf they are completely aware.
No offence but they must be completely aware, the dogs are barking like bonkers and they are in their house. How can they possibly be unaware?

Because some people can be a little dense, and/or not consider others. We had similar problems with a neighbour and parking. Spoke to him about it a couple of times and we've had no problem since.
No offence but they must be completely aware, the dogs are barking like bonkers and they are in their house. How can they possibly be unaware?

Perhaps they have double glazing, perhaps their bedroom is at the front of the house, perhaps they don't leave their windows open at night, perhpas they're just incredibly stupid people... main point is that you've not told them there is an issue and it is quite feasible for them not to be fully aware that there is one.

Seems silly to waste the time of your local council over and issue which may be resolved over a simple conversation - you should at least contact them first.
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Where abouts do you live by the way? You have just described my neighbour.

edit: nevermind just read.
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In the summer my parents would love to leave their two little dogs in the garden whilst they are at work. Mum does come back in her lunch break to let them out for a bit.
We can't let them out all day though, as they woof a lot. A neighbour of mine has a dog that lives outside that constantly howls. Luckily his house is up for sale!

I would speak to your neighbour face to face first though as they will say 'he even asked me' when the council (or whoever) confront them.
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Perhaps they have double glazing, perhaps their bedroom is at the front of the house, perhaps they don't leave their windows open at night, perhpas they're just incredibly stupid people... main point is that you've not told them there is an issue and it is quite feasible for them not to be fully aware that there is one.

Seems silly to waste the time of your local council over and issue which may be resolved over a simple conversation - you should at least contact them first.

We all have double glazing, but its not worth arguing you seem convinced that they cant hear their own dogs barking all the time so I will just leave it and call the council.
Seems silly to waste the time of your local council over and issue which may be resolved over a simple conversation - you should at least contact them first.

For all you know your neighbour may be deaf!
There could be many reasons that he/she/they is/are unaware of the issue.
Of course it could just be that your neighbour is a **** and doesn't care.
We all have double glazing, but its not worth arguing you seem convinced that they cant hear their own dogs barking all the time so I will just leave it and call the council.

I didn't say they couldn't hear them, I said they might well be unaware that it is causing you issues.

I'm just utterly amazed that someone would be so reluctant to simply talk to a neighbour over a very simple issue that is clearly bothering them.
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