Donating a Beehive as Xmas gift...but where?

11 Sep 2009
My Auntie prefers me to donate to charity than get her a gift at Christmas so I am wanting to donate a beehive, problem is where! I have the choice of Ethiopia, Rwanda and Zambia.

I have been trying to find out where receives the most aid already to determine who it should go to. Anyone with an expertise of African poverty?
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I think if you asked somebody from those countries what they desperately needed the most I doubt many would say 'A beehive' over 'fresh water' or 'sustainable farming'.
Why Africa? , nowhere other than Africa that needs charity? or is Africa the only area of importance to people.

[TW]Fox;17818207 said:
I think if you asked somebody from those countries what they desperately needed the most I doubt many would say 'A beehive' over 'fresh water' or 'sustainable farming'.

There is a gift on the site that supplies tools and seeds but i was thinking that the pollination of the crops would be just as worthy?
[TW]Fox;17818207 said:
I think if you asked somebody from those countries what they desperately needed the most I doubt many would say 'A beehive' over 'fresh water' or 'sustainable farming'.

Why Africa? , nowhere other than Africa that needs charity? or is Africa the only area of importance to people.


Both of these.

Charity begins at home and all that.
I'm sorry, a beehive? Am I the only one who LOL'd out loud at that? :D

It'll probably end up with some family who don't have any idea how to handle bees, so they'll just get stung. Also, don't bees prefer somewhere with flowers?
I'm sorry, a beehive? Am I the only one who LOL'd out loud at that? :D

It'll probably end up with some family who don't have any idea how to handle bees, so they'll just get stung. Also, don't bees prefer somewhere with flowers?

Na these are killer bee's they feed off Humans :o:p
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