Dr Who: The Movie

18 Oct 2002
Sounds as though a Dr Who movie is in the making:



It's going to be a completely different production from the TV Series and will essentially be a reboot by the sounds of things.

Really not keen on the idea, as if the movie is successful then it likely marks the death of the show on TV as I don't think they could run the two concurrently.
For all that is holy and sacred to Doctor Who. PLEASE let them leave this alone.
Unless its going to be a big screen version of the current Doctor or a future one.
If it is as he says a new fresh take on it, then I hope it dies, and dies VERY soon.
I welcome it with open arms. I love Dr Who and have done for nearly 25 years but the last few series have been crap and Moffat doesn't appear to know what the hell he's doing. He was brought in to turn it around but made it unwatchable. Dump the series and make films for a while.
As long as it is kept separate from the TV series I don't see the harm in it, at least if they do a decent job of it.
Remember there have been non canon films of Dr Who going back to the 60's which were fun :)

Having the director of 4 of the HP films working on it is probably a good indication that it will at least get looked at (when you're the director of several of the biggest grossing films in recent years it tends to give you some clout and open doors).

What might be nice would be if they were to adapt one of the "old" who four parters into a new film, especially if they were able to do it fairly faithfully.
I welcome it with open arms. I love Dr Who and have done for nearly 25 years but the last few series have been crap and Moffat doesn't appear to know what the hell he's doing. He was brought in to turn it around but made it unwatchable. Dump the series and make films for a while.

Last few series ? last few series have been the best ever
Bring back the master. He's really been left out of the TV series besides like 2 episodes.

Make him a decent villain again!
As long as it is kept separate from the TV series I don't see the harm in it, at least if they do a decent job of it.
Remember there have been non canon films of Dr Who going back to the 60's which were fun :)

Having the director of 4 of the HP films working on it is probably a good indication that it will at least get looked at (when you're the director of several of the biggest grossing films in recent years it tends to give you some clout and open doors).

What might be nice would be if they were to adapt one of the "old" who four parters into a new film, especially if they were able to do it fairly faithfully.

This is the only thing that annoys me, I don't mind trying a Film franchise.

But my god David Yates is crap.

The people who choose the HP franchise's directors went from one of the best Directors around at the moment in Alfonso Cuaron to David Yates, boring as sin, easy as pie. He done nothing but made the HP movies look like a tv christmas special.
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The last two Harry Potter films were terrible. So that doesn't bode well.

Alongside that fact this last serial of Doctor Who has just be terrible. :(

All up for them having another shot at the big screen though, just pray they do it right.
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