Draft no1 of my Best Mans speech is complete

8 Aug 2003
After 5 hours work (and some wine and TV) my first draft of my Best Mans speech is completed. I'm going to finalise it on Sunday. Do any OcUKers have some good advice for a first time Best Man?
Del Lardo said:
After 5 hours work (and some wine and TV) my first draft of my Best Mans speech is completed. I'm going to finalise it on Sunday. Do any OcUKers have some good advice for a first time Best Man?

when is the wedding? I've got to work one out for the end of july. :O
Or because its probably something like this:

Hi, I'm the best man.
Or the brides secret lover, whichever you prefer to call me.
Why are you laughing? I'm serious.
Best man out.
iCraig said:
Why don't you want us to see it?

So far I've invested around 10 hours of my life to a 5 minute speech and by the time I've finished it'll probably be around 15 hours. It's rather personal to me and I want the first person to hear it to be the groom (and the 100 odd people listening).
Del Lardo said:
So far I've invested around 10 hours of my life to a 5 minute speech and by the time I've finished it'll probably be around 15 hours. It's rather personal to me and I want the first person to hear it to be the groom (and the 100 odd people listening).

Don't blame you actually. :)

But if its personal to you and the people involved, why create a thread about it? :p
iCraig said:
Don't blame you actually. :)

But if its personal to you and the people involved, why create a thread about it? :p

Because I'm after some good advice from people who have been lucky enough to be Best Man :p

My friend asking me to be best man is one of the biggest complements I've ever received though since then I've been lucky enough for another friend to ask me to be best man. Always the best man, never the groom :D
Bear in mind you're going to be speaking to a room full of drunk people, so keep the jokes simple. If you have even mildly sophisticated jokes, they'll sound funny (if they are) to a sober person, but will be lost on the sort of audience you may be talking to.

If, however, you intend to not include any jokes and/or you can guarantee the sobriety of the people in the room, feel free to ignore the above.

Oh, and practise it on someone if you're worried. :)
Also remember to tailor to your audience - are Bride/groom's family merry drinking eejits or fundamentalist nutjobs - or somewhere in between.

I would suggest running through your speech with a family member prior to the wedding - just to 1.) get one practice in 2.) get an different viewpoint

Don't get plastered before delivery - one or two is fine to relax
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