Dragon's Dogma Up for Pre-Order on Steam

But still - a great game in 16:9 will still pee over an average game in 21:9. Not saying that's the case here btw, but disregarding all games that aren't in 21:9 (especially considering you're still getting 27" 1440p) is just punching yourself in the nads.
oh lol you are a funny guy. Clearly you find it hard to accept that for some people Dragons Dogma played well on their console. I certainly did not get dips into the teens in DD. I think considering that it was me that played it and not you that i would know :p
I dont accept it because it's not true. Your PS3 wasn't super powered compared to mine. These are highly regulated devices. Very different from individually-configured PC's.

On the other hand i dreaded going to Blighttown in Dark Souls because of the extremely low fps.

Dragons Dogma was smooth as silk in comparison :)
I dread going into Blighttown on my 360 as well. And Dragon's Dogma may have run better overall by comparison to that one area, but saying it ran 'smooth as silk' is a lie of epic proportions.

Maybe you didn't notice it. Maybe your standards are just very low and it didn't bother you. I was that way once. Far Cry 3 on 360 was once 'acceptable' to me despite now seeing it ran like total garbage. But I promise you anybody with higher standards can see how abysmal Dragon's Dogma runs on PS3. It is completely awful, no exaggeration.
Is this fully playable with xbox pad then i take it?

As i could always connect it up to my tv and amp and chill on the sofa and play... Ive been itching to play this game since i heard a podcast review on it nearly 4 years ago and no 21:9 has made me sad :(
Is this fully playable with xbox pad then i take it?

As i could always connect it up to my tv and amp and chill on the sofa and play... Ive been itching to play this game since i heard a podcast review on it nearly 4 years ago and no 21:9 has made me sad :(

You've been itching to play this for 4 years yet won't because it doesn't support your native ratio? It will still look fine in 16:9, I play on 16:10 so I'll have nice big fat black bars on the top and bottom but oh well. If you've really been waiting 4 years, you are going to play it lol.
yea ive just got home from work and watched TBs vid.. gonna play it with xbox pad on TV :)

i haven't really kept up to date with the game other then listening to a podcast review years ago and remembering it sounded really good..

ill wait for modders to fix 21:9 i dont really play games much with gamepads as ive always gamed with mouse keyboard never owned a console either... but witcher 3 was really good on the pad so hoping this is too!
I dont accept it because it's not true. Your PS3 wasn't super powered compared to mine. These are highly regulated devices. Very different from individually-configured PC's.

tbh i dont think youve even played DD on ps3...you're just trolling.


Of the 275 replies in the main ps3 Dragons Dogma thread...not even 1 post about poor fps. Not one. Were we all delusional then?

I also checked some of the reviews of it at the time....yes technical problems...more so on the 360 version but ps3 version nope.




Nothing mentioned at all about the ps3 diabolical and game experience destroying framerates......

NOTHING :rolleyes:

What a shocker ehh lol

saying it ran 'smooth as silk' is a lie of epic proportions.

why because your canada-sized ego cant handle anyone with a different opinion from yours? :rolleyes:

Maybe you didn't notice it. Maybe your standards are just very low and it didn't bother you. I was that way once. Far Cry 3 on 360 was once 'acceptable' to me despite now seeing it ran like total garbage. But I promise you anybody with higher standards can see how abysmal Dragon's Dogma runs on PS3. It is completely awful, no exaggeration.

When you take your head out of your arse you might see that other people have valid opinions and points of view as well. The world doesnt revolve around you. Maybe just step away from the keyboard because its just gob****e coming out of your mouth :)
tbh i dont think youve even played DD on ps3...you're just trolling.


Of the 275 replies in the main ps3 Dragons Dogma thread...not even 1 post about poor fps. Not one. Were we all delusional then?

I also checked some of the reviews of it at the time....yes technical problems...more so on the 360 version but ps3 version nope.




Nothing mentioned at all about the ps3 diabolical and game experience destroying framerates......

NOTHING :rolleyes:

What a shocker ehh lol

why because your canada-sized ego cant handle anyone with a different opinion from yours? :rolleyes:

When you take your head out of your arse you might see that other people have valid opinions and points of view as well. The world doesnt revolve around you. Maybe just step away from the keyboard because its just gob****e coming out of your mouth :)

Can't quite grasp if you are being serious or not. Especially what with being on computer parts forum.

People are only stating that the experience of PC will be a better one in terms of performance throughout. That is fact. No one mentioned that the game is any worse or gameplay is worse on console.

Go have a green tea and do some meditating :)
unlocked 45 mins ago btw...

game is detecting my x55 HOTAS and i cant seem to disable it and dont wanna have to keep unplugging and plugging it back in again everytime i swap games :(
Can't quite grasp if you are being serious or not. Especially what with being on computer parts forum.

People are only stating that the experience of PC will be a better one in terms of performance throughout. That is fact. No one mentioned that the game is any worse or gameplay is worse on console.

Go have a green tea and do some meditating :)

I just find it utterly stupid when people try and argue what my experience of a game was like.. and know better than me what *my* experience was.

Thats just me *shrug*

And you're wrong when you say people are only stating the pc version will be better. Thats not the argument at all. (i ofc think the pc version will be better...but thats obvious)

seanspeed said:
I tried playing the PS3 version a while back and got about an hour in before having to quit due to the performance issues. They were really *that* bad and for a game so reliant on action combat, it was just absolutely unplayable.

Either sean has never owned a ps3 game or console and has only played pc games ergo the lower fps killed the game for him or hes being a complete fps snob lol :p But i couldnt give a monkeys about that anyway...it may have been unacceptable for him...i accept that but he has incredible difficulty accepting other people had a better experience.

Its stupid and petty and i dont know anyone else who would continually insist on telling someone else what that person's experience was like. When really they dont have a clue.
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