Dragon's Dogma Up for Pre-Order on Steam

Having trouble setting skills, I bought a new one, thought I'd selected it as my heavy attack but it's doing the same action, I chose the "air attack" one. Any ideas?

ohhh, holding R1 opens secondary skills.
Was wondering that myself. Cheers.
Yeah L1 opens skills for your offhand (ie Bow or Shield, or second page of spells for mages) and R1 is mainhand skills.
Tried some different pawns and its playing much better now, didnt realise the ones you hire dont level with you so you are forced to keep switching it up which i like!

I may change my main pawn from a rogue to a mage, where do i do that? Just got to the capital

*just seen above, look for an inn to do it! Ta! Any fast travel between camps/cities?
Fast Travel is by way of Port Crystals - which you can either find or buy. You place the crystals in the ground wherever you want, then you can use Rift Stones to travel to them. Might have the names wrong, but it's something like that.
Thanks ^

Also is there a way to sort the quest log? Picked up a few and some from notice boards and it just throws them in one list?

If not hopefully someone will make a mod
Awesome game, think it'll go down as one of my favourites :)

Couple of questions though:

Is there any way of knowing whether or not a quest will be too challenging before hand? Somewhat frustrating having to run across the map, stopping and starting for stamina regen, then reaching enemies that outright slaughter you.

Related to above, as far as I can tell the quest quest does not give you a whole lot of information, and it's just all bundled into the same log? Anyway to sort by..., filter out "unimportant" side quests so I can focus on the main story, etc?

Also has anyone here gone down the magic archer route? I switched over to it the other day and it's pretty fun. I was told that magic in this game was handled really well and felt like you're conjuring up these massive spells and casting them. As a magic user however, do I have access to all the spells a sorcerer would have, or are some of the more ones locked behind the sorcerer class (I would assume so...?) If so in the end it doesn't really matter 'cause you can practically just switch it up at any time which I really appreciate :)

And do any of you more experience players maybe even from the PS3 days have any recommended places for placing the rift stones (?) or whatever they're called, the things that let you teleport :D

As far as progress goes in the main quest I assume, I've been order to essentially "prove myself" to the King (?) as he won't let just any chump in his abode. I forgot what option I chose, but it made my go to what seems the other side of the map, passing through a forest-y area will plenty of campers littering the landscape, crossing a river which had these OP invisible guys that swarmed and swiftly wrecked me (...so I had to bail and run away :D), then climbing up the side of a mountain which was quite narrow. A few close calls in regarding to flinging myself off the mountain riskily climbing up the cyclops that guarded the paths, but I thoroughly enjoy throwing bandits off the edge :D Now I'm at some castle, the guys who are squatting there look the same as the bad guys, but they're not aggro-ing on me for whatever reason.
Fast Travel is by way of Port Crystals - which you can either find or buy. You place the crystals in the ground wherever you want, then you can use Rift Stones to travel to them. Might have the names wrong, but it's something like that.

And don't forget to withdraw the "Eternal Ferrystone" from an Inn Keeper. It was included in Dark Arisen to replace the consume per use traditional Ferrystones as part of the Fast Travel improvements it added to the game. (unlimited Fast Travel for free essentially)

Its easy to miss if you aren't looking for it.

Couple of questions though:

Is there any way of knowing whether or not a quest will be too challenging before hand? Somewhat frustrating having to run across the map, stopping and starting for stamina regen, then reaching enemies that outright slaughter you. - Just run away from the encounter if your getting spanked by something you feel is too tough. If the game has offered you the quest it means its do-able for you in theory as quests cancel or are unavailable depending on how far through the game you are

Related to above, as far as I can tell the quest quest does not give you a whole lot of information, and it's just all bundled into the same log? Anyway to sort by..., filter out "unimportant" side quests so I can focus on the main story, etc? - Not that im aware of. Typically any quest with "kill X amount" is unimportant.

And do any of you more experience players maybe even from the PS3 days have any recommended places for placing the rift stones (?) or whatever they're called, the things that let you teleport :D - You get 1 at Cassadaris or w/e and 1 in Gran Soren by default. I've then put one outside Witchwood, and one to the north near Hillside Knoll to give a better spread.

As far as progress goes in the main quest I assume, I've been order to essentially "prove myself" to the King (?) as he won't let just any chump in his abode. I forgot what option I chose, but it made my go to what seems the other side of the map, passing through a forest-y area will plenty of campers littering the landscape, crossing a river which had these OP invisible guys that swarmed and swiftly wrecked me (...so I had to bail and run away :D), then climbing up the side of a mountain which was quite narrow. A few close calls in regarding to flinging myself off the mountain riskily climbing up the cyclops that guarded the paths, but I thoroughly enjoy throwing bandits off the edge :D Now I'm at some castle, the guys who are squatting there look the same as the bad guys, but they're not aggro-ing on me for whatever reason. - You get a choice of 4 quests to prove yourself, you only need to complete 2. If you are struggling then just try another.

I've just had my meeting with the King, 16hrs in so far love it :D
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Related to above, as far as I can tell the quest quest does not give you a whole lot of information, and it's just all bundled into the same log? Anyway to sort by..., filter out "unimportant" side quests so I can focus on the main story, etc?

One of the main things in the game is actually doing the side quests, as if you keep with them they will level you up and you won't have as much trouble with being raped in the main quests for being under levelled :D
Yeah hence the inverted commas, in most RPG's I'd go around hoover up all potentially quests, only to shove them off in favour of the more interesting and worthwhile main quest. But in this game's case they seem far from "unimportant", and I actually feel the need to do them which is a nice change of pace. I did one the other day where I had to try to convince a family to move out of their house. The kid was being a real pain and I spent ages chasing him about, so I caved him and threw him against a wall against all human reasoning. Safe to say that the guards weren't too happy and I was thrown in a cell :D

Talking about jail, is there any way to get out of it without paying some sort of fine? I found a skeleton key which open the actual cell door, but after that I was left wondering about trying to figure out how to hatch my escape plan (I'm guessing I need to get more keys from somewhere, or craft them?) Just wondering 'cause I have an unusual tendency to accidentally hit civilians :D

Also thanks for answering all my questions SarGara. I knew that enemies wrecking me was a sure fire way of trying to tell me "you're not ready for this part", so I turned back the way I came :) I actually appreciate the fact that the game doesn't have pop-ups telling me "turn back, these guys are too difficult for you!" instead of just letting me learn from my mistakes. Would be helpful to know the recommended level or something prior 'cause getting places takes some time, but luckily the game has offered up some of those teleport crystals so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle anymore.

Can't wait to play some more tonight and will be looking for people to do pawn swaps with.
And do any of you more experience players maybe even from the PS3 days have any recommended places for placing the rift stones (?) or whatever they're called, the things that let you teleport :D
I have one outside Bluemoon Tower, one near Shadow Fort, One near Bloodwater beach, one at the Great Wall and one at Blighted Manse. I find that gives me a good spread of the most useful places (bloodwater beach is there purely because of escort missions there and to the healing spring nearby).

Now I'm at some castle, the guys who are squatting there look the same as the bad guys, but they're not aggro-ing on me for whatever reason.

They're a rival bandit group to the bandits you've been fighting. If I remember correctly they're all female? They won't attack you unless you attack them.
TW3 is beautiful in 4k/60. I don't expect that but for £12 for a code would you say this has the combination of great graphics and addictive storyline to keep me interested?
There's 2 bandit groups.

Anvil's I think the leaders name is, are neutral to you unless you attack them first. Part of a later retrieval quest. Then the other, all female bandits (forget their name) who will attack on sight if your party contains a male character (typical feminists!) :D

Both groups inhabit abandoned fort type structures at different ends of the map, the other bandits you encounter in the open are hostile regardless.
TW3 is beautiful in 4k/60. I don't expect that but for £12 for a code would you say this has the combination of great graphics and addictive storyline to keep me interested?

Im loving it, but it hasnt got a massive focus on story imo and remember its a few years old now but touched up a bit for pc. But for £12 theres a load of content. Voice acting is damn awful :D

Also this works amazingly acoss the steam link, flawless so far. Perfect living room game
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From what I've heard the story starts off slowly for the most part, but by the end of the game actually gets pretty interesting so I'm looking forward to that :D

Personally I don't think you can really compare these two games. Sure they could both be lumped under the same "RPG" category, but ultimately they play very different, both from a story progression and mechanical gameplay point of view. Honestly as someone who really liked (not loved mind you) The Witcher 3, I have to say I prefer this game, but I'm the type of person who would argue are that "games" are for the "game"play (though I can appreciate a good story and decision making in games.)

The graphics aren't too great either. I still think it looks pretty in some shots with the rolling fields n' all the grass, etc. but some of the texture work is down right poor. Guess that's part of the bi-product of porting a 2011/2012(?) PS3 title that ran horribly in the first place. ENB's can get some bad rep sometimes, and it's still fairly early days for this game in terms of modding, but from the screen shots I've seen it really does make the game look a whole lot better. The most important add-on for ENB is the fact it adds ambient occlusion, which does add a lot more shadowed areas to objects in the open world which gives it some more depth.

And yes to those above I think I encountered those female bandits you're talking about. I quit as soon as I got into their premises as I needed to go so didn't get the opportunity to have proper look about, will start playing again tonight though :D Was a bit confused when I was fighting a literal up hill battle against waves of bandits, only to be welcomed with open arms by another group of bandits.

I'm worried now though as I do indeed have a big ol' burly brute of a man on my side, and I'm pretty sure they were all women (their clothing style of open-faced chest areas seemed to suggest so :D), so I hope I don't get brutally murdered.

Also I'm surprised by just how well this is selling. I was under the impression it was a fairly unknown title, but it's been sitting on the Steam's top sellers for quite some time now (...but I guess it's not exactly prime time for new releases :D) And a bunch of people on my friends list who I'd never imagine playing this sort of game picked it up, great for stealing their high level pawns :D
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High sales is good as what I really want is Dragon's Dogma online. It's a damn crime they didn't release that over here! And a DD made for next consoles/PC would be very welcome too! Everyone buy this!

Plus, despite the obvious areas that are a little lacking, it has great combat for an rpg. It pees all over the awful combat in Skyrim and tbh is head and shoulders about The Witcher 3's fighting.
TW3 is beautiful in 4k/60. I don't expect that but for £12 for a code would you say this has the combination of great graphics and addictive storyline to keep me interested?
This game is not a looker. It doesn't have trash graphics, but it's fairly mediocre 360/PS3-era graphics(at higher resolutions/framerates if you've got even a modest PC).

Storyline/characters also doesn't seem like its strong point.

This game relies a whole lot on a good old classic sense of adventure and some really fun combat. These are the main reasons to play it.
Hmmmm finished first main quest in the capital and then some guy told me to meet some chump near the castle to help out, then it said i cant finish a quest i had relating to someone from my home town? Not sure why, no warning lol
Hmmmm finished first main quest in the capital and then some guy told me to meet some chump near the castle to help out, then it said i cant finish a quest i had relating to someone from my home town? Not sure why, no warning lol

Because the story progressed so the quest was no longer relevant. I'm assuming it was the Quina quest?
If it was, then Quina is no longer "lost" and so the quest to find her is automatically failed. You can find her at a new place now and get some more sidequests if I recall correctly, I won't say where she is though ;)
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