Driving in the snow

27 Nov 2004
North Beds
Hey guys

I've driven in snow before, but my GOD tonight was bad!

There was a few hours of slate before the snow started so there was a ridiculously slippy underlayer. From standing in fifth it was spinning the wheels. I live at the top of a hill and it took 40 minutes to get up when it normally takes about 3 :o Roundabout near the motorway i had to actually pull the handbrake at about 3 mph to get the rear end to actually do something!

Here's some pics i just took, the car has only been there since 9pm (<2 hours)



The house:


Gotta love living in the middle of nowhere (Bacup)

You call yourself a photographer? you didn't crop out your shadow in the first pic :p

Anyway, how long has the snow been falling there? we haven't had any yet but when I went out earlier it was 11C and then when I came back about 2hours later it was 1C :eek:
Nothing in Essex, Just driven back from the Cinema. Very cold tho.

Edit : Phate, fellow essex'r. I used to live with my rents in Billericay. not far from you.
We're getting ours late tomorrow. Really hoping to wake up to a shed load as the schools will be shut (which equals no work for me) so I can have a day with my feet up letting my back recover :o

No doubt the country will grind to a hault :D
Phate said:
You call yourself a photographer? you didn't crop out your shadow in the first pic :p

Anyway, how long has the snow been falling there? we haven't had any yet but when I went out earlier it was 11C and then when I came back about 2hours later it was 1C :eek:

pfft they were just snaps i couldnt even be bothered to whack out the tripod ;P ISO3200 and largest aperture snaps :p
rG-tom said:
pfft they were just snaps i couldnt even be bothered to whack out the tripod ;P ISO3200 and largest aperture snaps :p

uh-huh.....sure you couldn't ;) :p

Least you didn't have your friggin battery die on you during a photography outing at 1C today :(
Phate said:
uh-huh.....sure you couldn't ;) :p

Least you didn't have your friggin battery die on you during a photography outing at 1C today :(

tripod was in the boot, couldnt be bothered getting covered in snow :p
It's the same scene here in Harwood. No doubt I'll be the first in work while everyone tries to wiggle a day off.
Nice pics, its the same where i am. Ive just had to push a car up the road as it was wheel spinning out side my bedroom keeping me up lol. Its still snowing now but looks like its slowing down.
wel i see the OcUK but i dont see no bread :P

looks nice :), kinda hoping it doesn't snow here as my ignition barrel decided it doesn't like my key tonight, AA man had a good go and and smacking the pins to release the barrel with no luck the key now turns..... but nothing is coming on except the battery light... :(
Not been to bad down here, Just drove to Newquay and back, only real bad thing was Hail, couldn't see much infront of me a couple of times.
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