Greetings this seems like the most logical place to ask the question, as above really.
Im planning a road trip to Ibiza in August, i realise that this isnt the most efficient method of transport to the white isle and im only attempting it for two reasons firstly because i can and secondly i want to raise some money for charity, plus ive always wanted to see a bit of the French countryside!
Could i ask if anyone has travelled through Europe by car or attempted said trip, ive been scouring the Home Office website for info but there's nothing better than real world experience to go on.
My initial route that ive planned will take me through France, down the Eastern side of Spain past Barcelona then taking the ferry just south of Valencia over to San Antonio.
Any advice would be appreciated and yes i know its not a trip to be taken lightly!
Im planning a road trip to Ibiza in August, i realise that this isnt the most efficient method of transport to the white isle and im only attempting it for two reasons firstly because i can and secondly i want to raise some money for charity, plus ive always wanted to see a bit of the French countryside!
Could i ask if anyone has travelled through Europe by car or attempted said trip, ive been scouring the Home Office website for info but there's nothing better than real world experience to go on.
My initial route that ive planned will take me through France, down the Eastern side of Spain past Barcelona then taking the ferry just south of Valencia over to San Antonio.
Any advice would be appreciated and yes i know its not a trip to be taken lightly!