Dslr (but do i need a new one)

19 Jul 2006

Been a while since i last looked at getting a camera and i got talked out of it. On the look out again, was thinking the technology that was out there a 1-2 years a go is it still relivent for a beginner, i think it was the nikon d50 that i was tempted at getting cant see any on sale now but is something like that as usefull to a beginner as the newer cameras out there.

As i have started a couse in photography i think its time to get one. and to give me more options than my bridge camera. Although i like nikon im sure i can be tempted to other brands. Whats the second hand market like for these kind of things, as price is a big thing at the moment I dont want to be spending shed loads of money on thngs i dont need but again i dont want to go with teh cheepest if its crap,

any websites or tips greatly appreciated
What kind of budget have you got in mind?

I'm only familiar with the canon range, but you could get a 20D for around £200 second hand which is a fairly capable camera.

With regards to lenses, again it will depend on your budget, and also what you want to photograph. The 50mm f/1.8 is generally a good buy for any camera body, but you'll probabaly want another couple of lenses to cover wide angles and telephoto ranges. You could get something like the 18-55mm IS and the Sigma 70-300mm APO Macro.

I believe the 50mm can be had for £80, the 18-55mm for around £85 and the 70-300mm for £140-150.

Of course you could just start with the kit lens, have a play and see what you feel the limitations are. The good thing about lenses is they hold their value reasonably well so if you shop around when buying you shouldn't lose too much of their value if you chose to sell them again. The same doesn't go for camera bodies sadly :(
Dont want to spend a lot to start with thinking about £400 ish dont want to spend lots if i can go second hand and get something that will do for a beginner
i have a bridge camera already and strugle with the shutter speeds been to short for some of the stuff i want to do like near IR or lkong seascapes
Thought of starting out with a film SLR with a couple of lenses for the £100ish mark?

why when he can get a perfectly good DSLR within his budget?

OP, before the Canon and Nikons get reccomended (and they should - they're good cameras) i'll suggest a new Sony A200 at around £250 (or whatever the new one is called now). It comes with a kit lens, and you can buy a Minolta AF 50mm prime or 75-300mm telephoto 2nd hand for £90 and £60 respectively (maybe even both).

It will have image stabilisation, high enough megapixel count, infinite shutter opening (bulb mode) decent enough ISO performance (for the money) and IQ comparable to the others (in the entry-level range). Could even score all of that within the £400 with memory cards if you bought used, and the camera has a LOT of the functionality of more expensive Nikons/Canons for less money (bracketed exposures etc). Consider them, is all.
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As i have started a couse in photography i think its time to get one.

Make sure that if you get a camera it's suitable for your course. I started did a course a couple of years ago that was entirely film and black and white based. Most of it was darkroom work. There where people who turned up on day 1 with a DSLR, who were surprised they would then need to go and find an old film body so they could continue....
Make sure that if you get a camera it's suitable for your course. I started did a course a couple of years ago that was entirely film and black and white based. Most of it was darkroom work. There where people who turned up on day 1 with a DSLR, who were surprised they would then need to go and find an old film body so they could continue....

Email me if you need a cheap SLR newish film camera. cheap as chips.
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