DT770 Pros - Where's the Bass at!?

15 Jun 2009
I thought I'd ask here as a search shows that quite a few people are using these headphones here...

I bought my DT770 80ohm Pros a few months ago mostly on it's reputation to provide awesome Bass and unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be living up to it's reputation :(.

Whilst the bass seems "Tight", it certainly isn't overpowering, not compared to the speedlink Medusa I was coming from which kick these to the ground (although thinking bad the speedlinks had an external power source, maybe the DT770s aren't getting enough juice?) I'm starting to think that I may have gotten a bad set, but it doesn't make sense as it sounds completely fine, if not a tad quiet.

I've played with my equalizer settings, I've added a headphone amp (albeit it just a little Filo V2), but the Bass Boost on the amp just seems to cause the sound to become distorted.

Great sound quality otherwise, but I've got a load of old school hip hop waiting for a bit o bass ;).

What should I do/buy next (I'm thinking soundcard and a full sized amp)?

says amp recommended on headfi ive got the fiio e5 and the boost is ok for easily driven cans but i think maybe yours may need the extra power ,i also have the caffine ultra amp and i think that drives hd 650s maybe you can try afew different sources ,friends ect. The bass on my ultrasones is amazing even out of a d2 but they are only 32ohmns(i know this dosnt always meen easily driven)
heres the headfi article on good headphone and their amping requirements (maybe a little out of date)

Suggestion for amping:
"0" denotes amp usually included/bundled
"1" denotes amp not needed.
"2" denotes amp recommended.
"3" denotes amp required.

Under $70

1-JVC Marshmallow (FX33, 34) ($15) Bassy, recessed mids and highs. I love them with rock. Great value. Kramer mod helps these a lot.
1-Creative ep630 ($23)
1-JVC Air Cushion ($30) These sound similar to the marshmallows, but with better detail and no recessed mids/highs.
1-Sennheiser cx300 ($30) Lovely midrange, and very strong bass (although uncontrolled) Highs are the weakness of this phone.
1-Yuin pk3 ($39)
1-Jays j-jays ($50)
1-Shure e2c ($60)
1-Crossroads Mylarone x3i/xbi ($57 and $65)
1-Yuin pk2 ($69)
1-Etymotic er6 ($70) Very detailed. Good mids/highs. Slightly lacking the bass department
1-Ultimate Ears Super.Fi.3 ($70)
1-V-moda Vibe($70) Very muddy, not a lot of detail. no highs to speak off.
2-Altec Lansing im716 ($100) Currently on sale @buy.com for $49

Open Headphone
1-Koss KSC75/35 (Clip-on) ($13) Very good value. Some bass bloat, good mids and sparkly highs.
1-Sennheiser px100 ($33)
1-Koss Portapro ($35)
1-Sennheiser HD515 ($60)
1-Grado sr-60 ($69) Wonderful liquid mids! Amazing with guitars. Not harsh to me, but to some. Lacking in bass.

Closed Headphone
1-Sennheiser HD201 ($22)
1-AKG k81dj ($54) Bassy dj headphone. Better with some damping. Good for rap and Hip-Hop

$70 to $150

1-Sony ex90 ($95)
1-Jays D-jays ($99)
1-Westone UM1 ($109)
1-Shure e3c ($119)
1-Super.Fi.5 Pro/EB ($130-$150)
2-Yuin pk1 ($139)
1-Sennheiser CX95 ($140)

Open Headphone
1-Audio Technica ad500/700 ($100 and $130)
1-AKG 240S ($85)
1.5-Sennheiser hd555 ($95) Availalbe in 50 and 120 ohm versions.
1-Grado Sr80/sr125 ($95 and $149)
1-Alessandro MS-1
2-Goldring DR150 ($135)
2-Sennheiser hd580 ($160)

Closed Headphone
1-Sony Mdr-v6 ($71) A very neutral headphone. Good mids, highs. No bass bloat IMO.
1-Sennheiser HD280 ($80) Extreme isolation in a closed Headphone. Slightly anemic bass.
1-Audio Technica a500/700 ($98 and $140) Very balanced overall sound. Good for rock and metal. Speedy, controlled bass. Cheap pleather pads.
1-Equation rp21/rp22x ($85-$90) Plenty of awesome bass. Slightly recessed mids, good highs
1-Audio Technica ES7 ($110)
2-Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO ($150) Bass monsters! Also a good gaming/movie watching 'phone.
1-Denon d1000 ($130)

$150 to ~$200

1-Shure e4c (~160)
1-Jays q-jays ($170)
1-Atrio M5/M8 ($180)
2-Etymotic ER4p ($180) Very detailed, awesome highs and Mids. Bass is lacking to some. Sound is wonderful with a Mini-box E amp (Bass boost)

Open Headphone
2-Sennheiser hd595 ($180) Available in 50 and 120 ohm versions
1-Grado Sr225 ($180)
2-AKG k501 ($190)
3-Beyerdynamic DT880 PRO/2005 (~$200)

Closed Headphone
2-Sennheiser HD25-II ($175)
1-Audio Technica a900 ($200) Massive soundstage, strong bass, and comfort are its strong points. Great for movies and jazz. Slight weakness in the low-midrange. Crappy pleather Pads.
2-Beyerdynamic Dt250 ($200)
2-AKG 271s ($185)

$200 to $300

0-Stax SR001/003 ($230)
1-Shure SE530PTH ($280)
1-Earpiece Livewires ($250 plus impressions)
1-Ultimate Ears Triple.Fi.10 ($299)
1-Westone UM2 ($299)

Open Headphone
2-Sony Mdr-F1 ($240)
3-Sennheiser HD600 ($240)
2-Grado SR-325i ($249) Most aggressive Grado. Sharp metallic sound with fast attack + decay. Great pair for electric guitars.
3-Beyerdynamic dt990-2005 ($250)
3-AKG k701 ($250) Detailed phones with wide sound stage. Amp dependent for good bass. Often compared against HD650.
1-Ultrasone PROLine 2500 ($263)
2-Audio Technica ad1000 ($330)
2-Alessandro MS-2i ($299)

Closed Headphone
2-Denon D2000 ($260)
2-Ultrasone PROLine 750 ($263)
?-Audio Technica ESW9 ($280)

$300 to $500

2-Headphile Darth Beyer ($370 to Whatever you can imagine!)

2-APureSound Etymotic Er4p
?-Klipsch Image ($350)

Open Headphone
3-Sennhesier HD650 ($325) Dark headphone with ample bass. Very amp/source dependent. A whole new level of awesome when balanced.
0-Stax SR303 ($350)
2-Sony SA5000 ($350)
2-Grado Hf-1 ($350 to $400)
0-Stax SR404 ($450)
2-Grado Rs2 ($495) Liquid mid-range and if used with flat pads, slammy bass. If 325i is too sharp, this is the 'phone to go for.
2-Audio Technica AD2000 ($499)
0-Sony Pfr-V1 ($499)

Closed Headphone
3-Audio Technica w1000 ($399)
3-Denon D5000 ($559)

More Than $500

Westone ES-2
Ultimate Ears UE-10 pro ($900 + Impressions)
Ultimate Ears UE-11 Pro ($1,150 +Impressions)
Sensaphonics 2X-S

Open Headphone
2-Grado Rs1 ($695)
2-Alessandro MS-Pro ($699)
2-Grado GS1000 ($995)
2-Grado Hp-2 (~$1400)
3-Grado Ps-1 (~$1400)
0-Stax Omega 2 ($1850)
Closed Headphone
3-Audio Technica w5000 ($699) Woody headphone which is known for troublesome fit and being picky about amplification. If used successfully - very worth the trouble.
3-JVC/Victor DX1000 ($889)
2-Ultrasone Edition 9 ($1,499)
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DT770 are reference headphones...you are not going to get exaggerated bass....

If you want bass monsters grab a pair of D2000 or something
DT770 are reference headphones...you are not going to get exaggerated bass....

Fair enough I shouldn't expect them to vibrate on my ears , but surely they shouldn't sound "Tinny"?

What's the recommended upgrade - Amp Or Sound card? (considering I'm using integrated audio)
What's the recommended upgrade - Amp Or Sound card? (considering I'm using integrated audio)

Both. You can get soundcards with an amp built in though. Auzentech X-Fi Forte or Xonar Essence ST or STX spring to mind.

For a bit lower price you could get something like a Xonar DX or D1 with a FiiO e5 amp though. I'd try just the soundcard first, then upgrade the amp.

What the medusas do isn't really accurate bass. They vibrate a lot but it's horrendously innaccurate. They have a huge mid bass hump with no really low bass at all. They're pure quantity over quality. The beyers are never going to massage your ears as much though though. Real bass doesn't sound like that.
DT770 are reference headphones...you are not going to get exaggerated bass....

If you want bass monsters grab a pair of D2000 or something

Yup agree with that. I quickly sold on my D2000's just because they were that over powering. I couldn't listen at a comfortable volume if that makes any sense.
If its loud, over the top, flappy bass you wanted you should have just bought some Skullcandy headphones from your local HMV.

Failing that strap a sub to your head.
The DT770 have more bass than most other hi-fi headphones.

The Meduas might be fun, but they're just distorting the signal.
I tried some DT770's I thought they was quite bassey, I like the Seinheisser HD595's for gaming & movies though, plus can hear more detail in music & I can always pump up the EQ's in the X-Fi - Audio Creation Mode for extra bass.
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