dual core motherboard choices?

4 Apr 2003
looking for a mobo for either a 3800 x2 or operton 165/170. This is for a photoshop/premiere/encoding machine and will not really be used for games. However, I am a keen clocker so I want to be able to get the best from the chip combined with probably 2 gig pc4000 value ram. Needs to have firewire.

Quite like what I hear about the dfi's but I am confused by the choice. Would like as cheap as possible while retaining the good clocking features. Doesn't need to be sli.

also, atx 2.0 converters, any good? Could do without replacing my perfectly good enermax 460w but if it will significantly hold me back, it has to be done.

ok, I'll re-phrase the above

Do all the dfi nf4 boards offer the same overclocking options and overclocking abilities?

are all the sata's locked?
DFI is the way to go if you are a keen clocker as these are the best boards for overclocking. All the DFI boards (nforce 4) have similar overclocking options and abilities but i think as you go go up the boards i.e cheapest to the more expensive boards they allow for higher FSB and better overclocking capabilties not to mention the extra features on the boards.

To answer your question i think you should go with the DFI LanParty UT NF4 Ultra-D (Socket 939) PCI-Express Motherboard (MB-014-DF) £99.82 Including VAT at 17.5%) which is the cheapest DFI Nforce mobo and it offers great overclocking. My bro has one and his opteron 146 is running at 2.8 ghz, so it is a great overclocking motherboard. Your enermax will be supply enough power for overclocking they are superb PSU's :D
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