Wonder if its possible to actually bring a criminal case against these morons for deliberate collusion with other organisations with the sole attempt to lower shares prices for personal gain?
If i was these guys id be looking over my shoulder for a long while, if they have indeed been paid by another company with a vested interest in keeping AMD down, that company would no doubt not hesitate to throw this bunch of imbeciles to the wolves if it meant they did not get any grief from the fall out.
That Anand interview was mindblowing, the level of incompetence these idiots showed about Corporate networks etc was unbelievable.
I'm been thinking the same. Right now AMD's approach is to keep a low profile (busy time) but the fact that they imply Ryzen & Epic cpu's are flawed coupled with the fact they create web site such as as AMDflaws etc. it is plainly obvious that they are trying to tarnish the company. Links to market manipulators is also a fact.
Their implication that AMD cpu' are flawed is WRONG. If AMD sues I think then there will be much more info about their shady financial dealings.
I sincerely hope that someone takes them to task.