I'm really not sure what you are referring to - aside from the fact the pro-AMD lot are constantly trying to make comparisons to Intel, as if that matters, which in this context it doesn't - just because someone else is worse doesn't make something wrong less so.
Aside a couple of people who've borderline trolled from the nVidia versus AMD angle there has been little to no contribution from anyone here from the blue team - if you take a moment to read some of my posts I've linked to I've been far more scathing in regard to Intel when it comes to flaws like this than I have of AMD.
The only thing I've been particularly critical of AMD over in this instance is their handling of PR - the rest - well these things happen and the main thing is they are addressed and dealt with as quickly as possible.
I don't like AMD and I've never hid that - I am not a fan of the way they talk big but generally fail to deliver on the talk and then say nothing at all when they should be talking and can't support them as a company because of that. To read from that that I have to be pro-Intel is misguided at best. My position on Intel is ambiguous at best I've made positive and negative comments about them in roughly equal measure - I don't love them, don't really hate them though there are things they do such as lack of transparency or control over AMT features and incremental performance increases, holding back tech progress as there hasn't been much competition before Zen came along and ever increasing prices and at times anti-competitive practises which don't really enamour me with the company.
Now nVidia fanboy you could put me in that camp, though I'm not a huge fan of the company but I do like their products and they generally deliver when they say they will, mostly.
OK, just a quick yes or no.
Do you think CTS-Labs were trying to influence the stock market?