Ducky One 3 - High Frequency Sound through Speakers

14 Nov 2022
So today i received a new Ducky One 3 today to replace my ailing Drevo keyboard and upon hooking it up to my PC and powering up my speakers (Yamaha HS5s) i noticed a high pitch sound coming from both speakers. This was the same pitch and volume no matter whether i turn the volume up or down. With headphones on there is no high pitch sound. I went through checking pretty much everything i could think of (drivers, monitor cables etc) with nothing resolving the issue. On restarting my computer i noticed the sound even before the OS kicked in. When i disconnected the keyboard, the sound vanished. When i changed the colour of the Leds the pitch diminished with some colours exhibiting the high pitch (seemingly fine if you are yellow or cyan and certainly not for white). When i switched the Leds off the sound vanished... Is this normal for a Ducky One 3? Has anyone else had this issue?
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Electrical feedback.

I have this Bluetooth receiver in my car, that is powered from my cigarette lighter and then plugs into the aux audio input jack on my car stereo.

The idea is I can stream Spotify from my phone to my car whilst driving.

Anyway, if I don't connect my phone Bluetooth, so no music, after about 10 minutes or so, the Bluetooth receiver starts picking up something from my car engine, I suspect something magnetic in the engine somewhere, and my car stereo starts playing a high pitched sound like that, the frequency of which changes in line with the RPM of the engine.

Anyway, it sounds like something similar going on with you, can you still hear the high pitched sound when the speakers are in use, for game sounds or music etc?

Because if not, simply turn off/down your speakers when not in use and it shouldn't be a problem.

If you are still hearing the high pitched noise through your music/game sound then I dunno, might have to look into audio shielding or whatever, that's going past my level of expertise I'm afraid.
Sadly it was high pitch at the same level irrespective of my turning the volume up or down. In game and out of game.
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