Dumping filenames from a folder into a text file

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
I have a folder with about 100 MP3's sat in it. Is there any way to grab all the filenames in one go and dump them in a list in Notepad?
Jonny69 said:
I have a folder with about 100 MP3's sat in it. Is there any way to grab all the filenames in one go and dump them in a list in Notepad?

From the command prompt "dir /b > flist.txt" should do the job.
bledd. said:

strips the headers when saving the text file, so you get clean info in there

This worked greatly for me, when you suggested it, by far the best option of the lot, but its
dir /b > files.txt
, think theres a spelling mistake in your quoted suggestion
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