Dust on lens = poop :(

18 Oct 2002

Have you any ideas in photoshop how to get rid of this piece of dust in the photo? I'm really hacked off that I didn't clean my lens properly.

I've searched and people mention the Burn and dodge tool, but i've not had any success.



beaten to it! i use the clone tool zoom right in on the dust and clone it out with the colors around it. and if you wish to keep the original clone onto a new layer then flatten and save as.

quick example for ya

SDK^ said:
The dust is on the sensor in the camera, not the lens.
Use the clone tool in Photoshop to remove it.

it can't be, the camera cleans the sensor every time it turns on :confused:

Thanks guys i'll have a go at using the clone tool then.
Greg said:
it can't be, the camera cleans the sensor every time it turns on :confused:
All the 400D sensor cleaning does is shoogle the AA filter a bit in the hopes that the dust falls onto the double sided tape on the filter mount. It's better than nothing but by no means a foolproof solution.

Dust on the lens elements, either front or back, will be too far out of the focal plane to be seen on the image.
Yea, I knew there were a few more there than the one i pointed out.

I've got rid of most of them now, how can i get rid of the dust on the camera then? use an air duster? any ideas?


Anybody recommend a UK supplier of the swabs and fluid please? I can only seem to find expensive kits online.
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