DVI to HDMI Flickering Picture

15 Oct 2005
Just bought one of these 5meter jobbies to run from my PC to my Optoma HD70 PJ.

Now in normal windows or watching a vid file off my HDD etc everythings fine but as soon as i try and run a HD-DVD the screen starts to flicker with what looks like a previous frame. So say you had that copyright warning then the film started properly, every few seconds it would flicker and you'd briefly see the copyright warning. I've tried a clean format and gpu drivers etc and it also works fine via VGA.

Having never used HDMI before i'm wondering if this could be a problem with the cable? do kinks in the cable matter much?

Low quality cable can't handle it? What length is it and what signal are you trying to put through? 720p/1080i/1080p?
Is the hd-dvd ripped or are you playing from a hd-dvd player?

If the copy protection is still present, and the cable is of low quality mentioned above, perhaps some data is getting garbled.

If it isnt the cable, and you are using the hddvd in a drive/reader do you have a HDCP compliant graphics card with an AACS compliant screen driver? Without one you'll probably get problems/lower resolution.

Not really had much experience in this HDDVD/BD field yet.

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thanks for the replies guys

I'm sending a 720p 50hz signal down it from the PC. i have the xbox 360 hd-dvd drive connected to my PC and am using powerDVD to play them. my graphics card is HDCP complient (x1950pro) and so is the projector. I've actually tried it with anyDVD installed too incase it was the HDCP

The cable is only 5 meters long but i guess it could be a poor quality one? i got it from a well known electronic retailer.

I know the PC side works as i used to run a dvi-d to dvi-d cable to my old projector that worked fine. so it's either this cable or the new projector. Unfortunitly i dont have any other DVI or HDMI sources to test with it bar the PC so i could try a diff cable.

Any recommendations on a 5meter dvi to hdmi cable?
Monster are always of v. high quality (fairly expensive tho), and a well known electronics retailer sells them, so if its the same one you could take the original cable back and part exchange. Mine did exactly the same thing when i had my ps3 connected to my tft via dvi-hdmi. Soon as i watched a blu-ray film, black frames appeared, worked fine after i brought a 2407 that was hdcp compliant.
ps2wizz said:
thanks for the replies guys

I'm sending a 720p 50hz signal down it from the PC. i have the xbox 360 hd-dvd drive connected to my PC and am using powerDVD to play them. my graphics card is HDCP complient (x1950pro) and so is the projector. I've actually tried it with anyDVD installed too incase it was the HDCP

The cable is only 5 meters long but i guess it could be a poor quality one? i got it from a well known electronic retailer.

I know the PC side works as i used to run a dvi-d to dvi-d cable to my old projector that worked fine. so it's either this cable or the new projector. Unfortunitly i dont have any other DVI or HDMI sources to test with it bar the PC so i could try a diff cable.

Any recommendations on a 5meter dvi to hdmi cable?

When dealing with digital signals such as would be the case with a dvi-hdmi cable then the actual cable won't really be an issue.. in fact all these advertised cables that are anything more than 15 sterling sporting a "get the best quality picture, better colours than cheap cables" etc is all bull.

I'd be more inclined to say HDCP but you said you've tried with anydvd hd; make sure you've set it up correctly.

Also, have you tried using a vga cable from your system to the tv? You might find it gives the best quality picture.
anydvd works fine and is setup currectly.it all worked fie with a DVI to DVI connector on my last projector.

We had it connected viaVGA and the playback is fine, which makes me think its the cableor thhe new projector.

ill try a new cable andseewhat happens
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