Just bought one of these 5meter jobbies to run from my PC to my Optoma HD70 PJ.
Now in normal windows or watching a vid file off my HDD etc everythings fine but as soon as i try and run a HD-DVD the screen starts to flicker with what looks like a previous frame. So say you had that copyright warning then the film started properly, every few seconds it would flicker and you'd briefly see the copyright warning. I've tried a clean format and gpu drivers etc and it also works fine via VGA.
Having never used HDMI before i'm wondering if this could be a problem with the cable? do kinks in the cable matter much?
Now in normal windows or watching a vid file off my HDD etc everythings fine but as soon as i try and run a HD-DVD the screen starts to flicker with what looks like a previous frame. So say you had that copyright warning then the film started properly, every few seconds it would flicker and you'd briefly see the copyright warning. I've tried a clean format and gpu drivers etc and it also works fine via VGA.
Having never used HDMI before i'm wondering if this could be a problem with the cable? do kinks in the cable matter much?