E6660 to 3.6 Bios Settings Asus P5N32-E SLI

18 Feb 2006
Hi guys

I have found these settings for taking the E6660 to 3.6 can you please have a look and see what you guys think.

Enter Bios

Select x SLI- Ready Memory: Manual,

select VDIMM voltage = 2.1 v (I recommend .05 - .10 below manufacturers specs---i.e. my Corsair 8500 C5 modules are spec'd at 2.2 volts so I select 2.1 volts---
I'll explain why later--). Also Enable the SATA and Raid controllers (if you are using Raid).

Reboot and Reenter the BIOS. Now ensure all other setting are set as follows:

AI Tuning: Manual
Nvidia GPU Ex: Disabled
LinkBoost: Disabled
x SLI-Ready Memory: Manual

FSB - Memory Clock Mode: Unlinked

x FSB - Memory Raio: N/A

FSB (QDR), Mhz: 1333

Actual FSB (QDR), Mhz: 1333

MEM (DDR), Mhz: 960 (means 480 mhz speeds) ( I can't get 1066 Mhz frequencies with My CPU overclocked this much)

Actual MEM (DDR), Mhz: 960

Bios version: 902
Multiplier: 9

Vcore Voltage: 1.2625 (reads approx 1.21 in Voltage monitor)

Memory Voltage: 2.1v ( my memory burned up at 2.2 volts after 4 weeks using bios 0501---since you are using the C5D with extra heatsinks, 2.2v is probably safe. Perhaps newer Bios solves problem with modules going bad, but I don't want to take a chance until BIOS's mature a lot more)

1.2v HT Voltage: AUTO

NB Core Voltage: 1.25

SB Core Voltage: AUTO

CPU VTT Voltage: 1.25

DDRII Controller Ref Voltage: AUTO

DDRII Channel A Ref Voltage: AUTO

DDRII Channel B Ref Voltage: AUTO

tCL (CAS Latency): 5

tRCD: 5

tRP: 5

tRAS: 15

Command Per Clock (CMD): 2

Advance Memory Settings








Async Latency: AUTO

CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum: Disabled

MCP PCIE Spread Spectrum: Disabled

SATA Spread Spectrum: Disabled

LDT Spread Spectrum: Disabled

CPU Internal Thermal Control: Enabled (will throttle CPU when CPU temp reaches 85 degrees. I have had no problem with this enabled and I recommend it be enabled just in case you dislodge your CPU heatsink while moving your computer around.)

Limit CPUID MaxVal: Disabled

Enhanced C1 (C1E): Disabled

Execute Disable Bit: Enabled

Virtualization Technology: Enabled

Enhanced Intel Speedstep Tech: Disabled

LDT Frequency: 5x

PCIEX16_1 Frequency (Mhz): 100

PCIEX16_2 Frequency (Mhz): 100

PCIEX16_3 Frequency (Mhz): 100

SPP<->MCP Ref Clock, Mhz: 200

Plug and Play: Yes

(--Onboard Device Configuration--)
IDE Function Setup---All enabled
SATA controller--Enabled, Raid Disabled (yours will be enabled for the some, disabled for others)
HD Audio--Auto
Front Panel support--HD Audio
Lan Boot ROM--Disabled

USB Config--All Enabled
ACPI Suspend Type--S1 +S3

(--APM Configuration--)
Power Off, Instant Off, Disabled, Disabled, Disabled
HPET support--Enabled
Power up (mouse)--Disabled (for USB mouse because it causes random restarts from sleep mode)
Power up (keyboard)--Spacebar

(--Hardware Monitor--)
---------Voltage Monitor---------
Vcore = 1.21-1.22v
Memory= 2.14v
1.2V HT= 1.23v
NB= 1.28v
SB= 1.52v
CPU VTT= 1.29-1.30v
DDR2 Termination= 1.07 (should be half of the Memory voltage)

(--Boot Setting Configuration--)
Case Open--Disabled
Quick Boot--Enabled
Boot up Floppy Seek--Disabled (unless you want to use a bootable Floppy)
Num Lock--ON
Typematic Rate Setting--Disabled
OS Select for DRAM > 64 MB ---NON OS2
Full Screen Logo--Enabled (also required to be enabled for Personal Logo to work, but don't try the personal logo feature yet because it could cause your system to fail)
Halt On--All Errors

Hard Disk Device--the Hard Drive / Raid Drive with your Operating System
Boot Device Priority-- Removable, CD-ROM, Hard Disk

-----------Hope this helps. ------- By the way , if I overclock to 3.1 Ghz (1378 Mhz), memtest fails Test-5 and Prime95 (dual instances) fail after a couple of hours. I may need to raise VDIMM slightly (perhaps 2.15 volts for my C5 modules), or perhaps I need to raise my NB voltage and CPU VTT voltages to 1.30v. If that doesn't help, I can lower my Memory FSB from 960 to 900-920 Mhz. Lastly, I could raise my Vcore slightly ( I will need to watch my temperature using CoreTemp while running Dual Prime95 instances or Orthos to ensure I don't exceed approx 65 degrees (Intel recommends 60 degrees max for continuous operation to maximize the life of the CPU, but I don't believe any program will get the CPU within 5 degrees of Priime95/Orthos. CPU won't throttle until 85 degrees (in order to save the CPU from damage).

Before booting into Windows, make sure you first Run Memtest86+ for several hours to ensure their are no errors. You may need to disable Legacy USB in the Bios for Memtest86+ to run correctly. (I was ocassionally getting an error code prior to disabling Legacy USB)(Also note that a USB keyboard will not work when plugged into a USB port with Legacy USB disabled. This will require you to use a cheap PS/2 keyboard instead).

Then boot into Windows and start CoreTemp so you can monitor both CPU cores' temperatures. Ensure Logging is on (when you are done stress testing, you can examine the temperature log by first terminating the CoreTemp program, then checking the log in the CoreTemp folder). Now stress test your CPU and memory by running dual instances of Prime95 (one for Core0 and one for Core1) for 24 hours (you can use Orthos if you wish). One Instance should be set to small FFT , while the other Instance is set to Blend. I recommend you keep your CPU temperatures below 65 degrees (closer to 60 degrees if you feel more comfortable). If their are no errors, I would consider your computer totally stable.

Happy Overclocking !
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