E90 320D Blower fan

24 Jul 2006
Hoddesdon, London, UK
Basically, noticed my 320Ds blower fan is running a bit like a propeller plane when turned up high.. fairly noisy and annoying. Not sure if i just noticed this or maybe its temperature related.. blows air fine just sounds like a lamborghini engine at idle :D Is this an expensive dash out job? If not it is it difficult? :)
I have no idea on an e90.

It certainly isn't on an e36, you can get at it by taking off the removable bulkhead bit etc.

What kind of noisy?

Just extra wind noise, or more bearing/brush related? Or a catching sort of noise?

It could be something in the assembly, a twig or leaf etc. I've got something stuck in one of the 19's fans, cba getting at it though :p
Hey, its a 'rumble', like an unbalanced dryer if you get me. The higher you turn the speed up it sounds like an airplane about to take off.
So you can hear it at mid speed to high then?

I'd say there is something up with it then yeah (points for stating the obvious)

I'm not sure of anything common with these, other than it being a fan and fans eventially collapsing or wasting the bearing.

Doesn't sound like something stuck in it, as I get a 'clicking' which slows to a stop with the fan. Not really a rumble.

Hopefully you can get it out the bulkhead, but again I've never even seen under the bonnet of an e90
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