Electrical question (powering a lappy)

9 Apr 2004
Nr. brumijum
If you're into electronics then I'll most likely come across as being completely stupid, but..

I need to power a laptop whilst on the move (in my car), the batteries rubbish, and I don't have a power inverter (yet). So, can I power the laptop (15v, 5A input as written on the charger) with my car battery booster (which claims to be a portable power supply. The output is 12V 900 Amp Peak - whilst boosting a car).

My main concern is the difference in amps. 12-15 volts sounds quite similar to me, and I'm figuring the lappy will either run with that or not, however I want to avoid frying the thing :P.

Here's a link to the booster Clicky


ebay to the rescue ;)
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900 Amp in your laptop! You don't want to be trying that lol

Battery boosters are used to quickly put charge into batteries, putting 900 Amps through your laptop will melt it
Gaverick said:
900 Amp in your laptop! You don't want to be trying that lol

Battery boosters are used to quickly put charge into batteries, putting 900 Amps through your laptop will melt it

I thought as much. But I'm a little confused by the blurb, what with it saying "12V cigarette socket outlet - for powering equipment such as lights and mobile phones". :(.
Should also say 'with the appropriate adaptor'.

Must get the correct convertor. Some lappys just need a standard plug which you can use a multiplug/transformer for. Forget the name of them. But it has variable power. I know my HP has its own special connector so wouldnt work. Only about 10 squids.
Current rating doesn't matter it will only draw what it needs. Only concern is if it's underated. The voltage is much more important though, and while I would say it's better for the laptop to be undervolted than overvolted I still wouldn't risk it. Best off just getting a cheap inverter, I've got a 150w one and it works just fine, didn't cost too much either and the other great thing about having an inverter is you can then use it with phone chargers/mp3 chargers etc. (rather than having to get separate in-car adapters).

Inverter > * (in summary) :p

Hope this helps, null :)
benneh said:
I need to power a laptop whilst on the move (in my car), the batteries rubbish, and I don't have a power inverter (yet). So, can I power the laptop (15v, 5A input as written on the charger) with my car battery booster (which claims to be a portable power supply. The output is 12V 900 Amp Peak - whilst boosting a car).

Are you sure it's not supposed to say 900mA peak as that is one hell of a current. I could be wrong though :)
No, it is supposed to be 900A. It takes a lot of current to turn over the alternator with only 12V :)
lol, what on earth are you on about?

just get an inverter, or the appropriate car charger lead for your laptop from the manufacturer. I wouldn't bodge something as expensive as a lappy!
I dunno if it would work right on 12v? It would be like your desktop PSU putting out 9v on the 12v line - your PC wouldn't start. What voltage is the battery?
The battery is nominally 13.5V, the laptop does indeed need more so you'd require the switch mode step up convertor, similar to that posted but for 5A or more :)
Righteo. I shall hunt down an inverter tomorrow (most likely work out useful in the future anyway), I just needed a quick fix. Didn't get one, but hey, at least I'm not nursing a borked lappy :P. Cheers guys.
Another question..

I purchased this 150w power inverter.. Can it be plugged in to this booster battery pack? (here) and used to power my lappy on the go?.

I wouldn't have thought so myself. But this is in the description. So it must do . . . (I take no responsiblity for any fires, bomb blasts, warnings or the fire brigade / ambulance / mortician calling you / picking pieces of you from trees and off rooves of any buildings due to this advice)
Gives 50 hours of 12V DC supply - for operating lighting, camping appliances, radios/TV's and mobile phones
12V cigarette socket outlet - for power equipment such as lights and mobile phones
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