Whilst we're on fuse boxes.
Are different manufacturers RCD's interchangable? For instance if I have a MKconsumer unit with 2 RCD's each supporting 5 MCB's could I change the RCD's for Wylex ones?
I ask because my RCD's seem to be tripping whenever a light bulb goes which they shouldn't. This is inconvenient but the major problem is the damn things are nearly impossible to reset and I am always worrying I'll break the plastic toggle.
Is this a characteristic of MK RCD's and is it as simple as swapping out the RCD's for a different make.
Sorry to but into anothers thred.
Answer is maybe..
Different brands sometimes have different spacings for the din rail (the bar running across the bottom of the rcd & mcbs) if you can find a brand with the same spacing you can swap it out.
Otherwise you can swap a whole side of the box, so the rcd and 5 mcbs for the same brand to keep the same spacing, or even do the whole box
the rcds are approx £20-25, mcb's are £4-5 each
Current recommendation is not to mix brands in a fuse box tho, but tbh it doesn't really matter AFAIK, just means its not following manufacturers instructions and they wont be tested to work together, but it will be fine.
PS. There are 2 ways of resetting a tripped rcd..
1) Some trip all the way down and you just push them up, simple.
2) Some trip to the middle position and need to be pushed down then up to reset.
Also if it doesn't reset easily and the above isn't the problem, switch off all the mcb's protected by that rcd, then reset the rcd, then turn the mcbs on, should reset easier on some types of rcd.