Energy drinks...

16 Feb 2006
Does anyone regularly drink them to boost their energy and find it helps?

I'm working a lot of overtime currently and am finding myself tired as hell at work and after and am thinking of stocking up on red bull as the supermarket has a deal on for a while but i don't actually remember them doing anything for me. And i don't fancy pro plus, i took some in school a few years back and ended up buzzing about like mad in a french class and it wasn't much fun :D
don't rate them personally, would be better on the whole to make a few changes to your diet with energy rich foods that are good for you. be better for your waistline as well in the long run.
Remember me and my mates drinking 3 cans of Relentless each just before a rave, god we were buzzing for about 2 hours then we just turned to zombies after lol, however the buzz made up for it. Every tune was like WOAHHHH!!
not worth it the caffine come down will make you feel a lot worse plus too much caffine can give you really dodgy guts
One can of Red Bull = energy crash afterwards coupled with raging gut rot.

Fresh oranage juice seems to do the job much better.
They barely work on me. If you want energy try ginseng with gingko biloba (don't blame if you take too much and can't go to sleep :p ).
You definitely want to be researching the medical effects of those energy drinks, particularly the ones with massive amounts of caffeine or similar in them. Do a quick google, there are a lot of reports ... they have led me to severely curtail my intake.
hmm my diet is pretty crap which comes with working in a factory i guess but im not there much longer hence putting in the hours to build up the cash. I'm not to bad when working but if we have a break and i sit down im almost instantly dropping of to sleep, something that rarely happens in the evenings when i should be sleeping...
I use electrolyte drinks when I am riding in hot conditions. What sort of job do you do? Unless you do a very physical job I can't see why you would need energy drinks. The problem is more likely to do with your diet.
May get classed as a bit of a druggie for saying this but anyone tried the legal substance BZP, (its all legal so dont remove). Some of the legal pills and stuff do actually work although some cause you to loose sleep for 2days but are a great alternative for clubbers who dont want to take extascy :)
PhilthyPhil said:
I use electrolyte drinks when I am riding in hot conditions. What sort of job do you do? Unless you do a very physical job I can't see why you would need energy drinks. The problem is more likely to do with your diet.

My work involves scraping down anything from 12 to 42 foot long steel storage containers, going from 9 to 12 foot wide and 12 foot high. Its all working with the arms and can be killer if theres lot of work on due to the fact that we don't get much time to recover if we work like mad and in this weather you can sweat like mad. Granted its not that hard but im always knackered, as you said could be my diet, its pretty bad...
I think Monster is one of the best energy drinks...but alas! They don't have it here in the UK! i think it's an american only thing. :(

I actually avoid energy drinks due to the high sugar content but I do drink them on occasion....especially if I have a 2-3 hour lecture coming up after only a few hours of sleep.

I've found Relentless to be the best for the money...Red Bulls are good but they are just too small.

70mg of caffeine just isn't enough.
Red Bull works for me although it makes me feel a bit weird, sort of like my eyes want to close but the Red Bull won't let them. Its better than feeling exhausted all day though.
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