Energy Suppliers

Given the massive spike in prices many smaller companies won’t have the finances or bank balance to pay the much higher prices and hold out until the higher bills start getting paid. There may be some other companies going to the wall before the end of the year.
I just switched to Utility Point as well lol!

Meh, guess I need to switch away again... :9

I know prices are regional, but are any suppliers doing anything near this at the moment? this was already a big increase on last year, but I can't even match this anymore!

I'm in the same boat, I've only just switched to Utility Point as well. This should be fun. :(:mad:
We are in the process of switching away from utility point. We agreed the switch on youswitch least week but we have yet to be asked for meter readings.

I'm expecting this to be a bit of a nightmare.
We are in the process of switching away from utility point. We agreed the switch on youswitch least week but we have yet to be asked for meter readings.

I'm expecting this to be a bit of a nightmare.
Switch will still go through fine, getting your credit back is a different story though.
Switch will still go through fine, getting your credit back is a different story though.

We were 100 in credit in July but my partner called them and halved the direct debit for the last few months so I don't think we will be owed much, we might even owe them.
Can't find out for sure as the website is now down.

As long as the switch goes through I'll be ok to wait for any credit to come back.
Anyone on Octopus's Agile tarrif?

My home is all electric sadly so im on an E7 tarrif with 35% of my usage on the night rate. I've not paid too much attention to prices recently and while i knew they had gone up im a bit suprised by how much they have shot up.I've done a bit of digging around and im interested in their agile tarrif for the above reason as its coming out the cheapest for me at the moment
I was with Peoples Energy and switched to Octopus on the 10th but they have now ceased trading, but my account had not been closed and I was around £110 in credit with them.

What happens now? Should I cancel my DD with them or just leave it and wait and see?
Anyone on Octopus's Agile tarrif?

My home is all electric sadly so im on an E7 tarrif with 35% of my usage on the night rate. I've not paid too much attention to prices recently and while i knew they had gone up im a bit suprised by how much they have shot up.I've done a bit of digging around and im interested in their agile tarrif for the above reason as its coming out the cheapest for me at the moment

Not on Agile but I am on Go to take advantage of my smart meter and cheap night leccy to charge the car, run the dishwasher etc.
Anyone on Octopus's Agile tarrif?

My home is all electric sadly so im on an E7 tarrif with 35% of my usage on the night rate. I've not paid too much attention to prices recently and while i knew they had gone up im a bit suprised by how much they have shot up.I've done a bit of digging around and im interested in their agile tarrif for the above reason as its coming out the cheapest for me at the moment

Have you looked at Utility warehouse? They have a very attractive night rate for E7 at 7.53p for me but the day rate is very high.
Not on Agile but I am on Go to take advantage of my smart meter and cheap night leccy to charge the car, run the dishwasher etc.

How long did it take them to change from their interim tariff to the go tariff, I went live with them on the 13th using your code and now on the interim tarif. (awaiting switch to the Go tariff)
Email from them yesterday the day after I switched....price rise !!.
How long did it take them to change from their interim tariff to the go tariff, I went live with them on the 13th using your code and now on the interim tarif. (awaiting switch to the Go tariff)
Email from them yesterday the day after I switched....price rise !!.

Looking back at my emails it took two weeks. Hopefully, it'll be a bit quicker for you.

Surprisingly I've not had any emails from them about price rises...
Looking back at my emails it took two weeks. Hopefully, it'll be a bit quicker for you.

Surprisingly I've not had any emails from them about price rises...

Price rise is from the 15th October for the interim tariff "flexible octopus" rates going from/to SC 23.5830p .....23.5830p
DR 21.9975p .....22.0185p
NR 13.8705p..... 16.3065p ouch! (00.30-07.30AM)
Blood, they have taken the first dd ....referral should pay out in a couple of weeks.

@robj20 please dont send octopus referal codes which are unsolicited. You didnt even respond to my question in the thread other than basically saying "im not on agile but use these guys" in the trust message. Instead you send an email fishing for a referal and i dont appreciate a email notification early in the morning when im sleeping because you want a £50 credit.

People in here need to stop being thirsty for referals

@robj20 please dont send octopus referal codes which are unsolicited. You didnt even respond to my question in the thread other than basically "im not on agile but use these guys" but instead send an email fishing for a referall and i dont appreciate a email notification at early in the morning when im sleeping because you want a £50 credit.

People in here need to stop ebing thirsty for referals
Nice to talk to you to, Mr Sunshine. You're welcome.
The rules are no referrals in the thread.
How dare i seek out free money.
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Price rise is from the 15th October for the interim tariff "flexible octopus" rates going from/to SC 23.5830p .....23.5830p
DR 21.9975p .....22.0185p
NR 13.8705p..... 16.3065p ouch! (00.30-07.30AM)
Blood, they have taken the first dd ....referral should pay out in a couple of weeks.

It's scary how big this jump in price is, never seen it go up so much so fast before.
First time is not been chat what to do, for now I'm staying on a variable, the fixes for 18 and 24 months seem a long time to fix at a high price, though I guess it might be worth it with a supplier that doesn't charge an exit fee.
Might just knock a degree off the heating over this winter and tighten up the times it's on to compensate.
Still seriously considering somehow finding £5k to get solar installed, I know its a lot up front, but its piece of mind for the future.
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