NetApp are OK, but there is a fair learning curve with them and they are not the easiest of devices to administer. The hardware reliability and support is good, but I think you'll find it expensive compared to other solutions. I would 100% recommend buying services to deploy a NetApp if you've never had one before, and I generally prefer to do everything myself.
CIFS performance on NetApp is not great IME. We've got a FAS2240 with 24 SATA drives doing CIFS and it never seems to better 60Mb/Sec. Whilst they will do AD integration, they are not a full domain member. This hasn't bothered us until we did a big job rolling out AD Managed Service Accounts for a lot of services running on our servers and found that the NetApp doesn't understand them so you can give an MSA write permission on a CIFS share on the filer. NetApp support said it is supported in Clustered Data OnTap, but we're in 7-mode. How do we upgrade? Delete all the data and start again! Not happening. We can't do SMB3 and there's some issue with enforcing server signing on the NetApp as well that keeps popping up on our pen tests. Apparently these too are fixed in clustered OnTap, but that's no good to me. This kit cost nearly £100k and is only 2 years old. I'd expect a non-destructive update path from enterprise kit really.
Another thing to bear in mind is that a NetApp will terminate all the CIFS sessions in the event of a controller failover/takeover. This is probably more CIFS' fault then NetApp's due to the stateful nature of CIFS, but it's worth bearing in mind. Upgrades need to be done out of hours, and you'll have CIFS drop twice because it hands over and takes back once the upgrade is complete. Server 2012 R2 uses a witness protocol which keeps CIFS sessions alive even if the underlying storage drops, provided there is a replica.
You should see good dedupe and compression savings with a NetApp, and you can run hourly snapshots which integrate with Windows shadow copies so we allow users to view their last 7 days worth of snapshots with hourly's during the working day so when the dozy gits delete all their files and don't notice for 3 days they can restore them themselves or at least get the Service Desk to do it for them. Can't remember the last time I had to get a user file off a tape. NDMP backups are good on the NetApp too.
We're looking at ditching NetApp and investing Windows Storage Server and Server 2012 R2 solutions with DFS. We've about 10Tb of data too. A lot of experienced admins won't even look at Windows file servers these days, but there's lots of stuff in 2012 R2 that makes it attractive. We've not decided whether we'll use iSCSI storage or just local disk if we got the down the server route.