Ergotron Neo Flex Lcd Arm Xt Silver : Dell 2405FPW

Bloody hell this thing can be funny! At first it held the monitor - then no matter how tense the joint was the monitor just drooped down (was the joint which connected to the back of the monitor). We loosened the joint and moved the panel so the screen was pointing to the ceiling - then tightened it and gradually moved down, now it's fine :confused:?
What I did with one of mine that was being a pain (e.g. too loose) was find a washer to go over the hex screw, this applied pressure to the side of the knuckle joint and no more droop ;)

Where are your pics Robert :)

What I did with one of mine that was being a pain (e.g. too loose) was find a washer to go over the hex screw, this applied pressure to the side of the knuckle joint and no more droop ;)
Hmmm ... that sounds logical. I used those metal washers many times in DIY. You may find them in your local hardware stores and good choice of diameters is available. I think that they are called something like "nut lock washer" or something ... can't remember now. Yes, that sounds like valuable solution.
igors said:
You may find them in your local hardware stores and good choice of diameters is available.

Well as I didn't use the extension bar that came with the arm I just used one of the washer that became "spare" after taking the arm apart.

I'll get some up later tonight. I need to tidy everywhere up etc. What I've noticed it that even if there's a lot of tension on the alan key join connected to the monitor - it really needs to be positioned so the two strips of rubber face the ceiling - otherwise it droops.
Robert said:
it really needs to be positioned so the two strips of rubber face the ceiling -

Yep, good point, mine are exactly the same (haven't tried it since the "washer" trick though"), these arms really are at their limit with the 2405FPW as it's heavy and thick!

peeps should try looking for the discontineud ergotron 300 arm, i got mine last year cost me £200, now can be had for peanuts if you look around. only problem is its much uglier than this neo flex. and is slightly harder to set up but it copes with the whieght better
igors said:
I have the tools & means to cut the hole

No cutting need, just a decent sized drill bit


this shows taking the desk clamp off and using the grommit (nice cheese) mount, easy as winking ;)

Raymond Lin said:
can these be mounted upside down?

Can't see why not, bet that would look cool as well.

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