European Car Insurance for under 25's.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Im trying to find a way to get my mate insured on my car for about 2 weeks during the summer.

By the time we go, my mate will be 22. But i cant find anyone who'll insure him, my insurance wont let me add him due to his age, and i cant find any temporary cover companies who'll insure him either.


Thanks in advance all.

If you can't add him to yours, I'd not really have thought that there would be any other options, bar the temp cover, which you've stated won't work.

Oh, and there is a motor's section. ;)
who you insure with ? admiral give 90 days euro cover as standard on their comp policy for policy holder and named drivers
They wont insure him temporarily for some reason.
Its bizzare, he's been driving longer than me, and has a flawless record iirc.
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Both Elephant and Admiral gave me cover in Europe automatically, at the ages of 19 and 20. Try one of those?
Not really a financially viable option is that :p.

Anyone know of any temp cover companies that would cover him?
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