Ever had a conflict thats gone way out context and you haven't even caused it?

5 Oct 2008
I seem to have not sure if it's what i've said or done though but i can't imagine i wouldn't say that much to cause offense in any situation etc. Anyway i have been in some situations in life that i will not describe on here. Lets just say that a theme of "you think your better than us" seem to be the "unprovoked" reason resulting in me becoming the victims position. Subtle.
Start a thread, tell us things have happend but also tell us that you're not going to tell us what.
Perhaps it's just a simple misunderstanding, I've read through what you typed five times now and have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say! :D
The lack of punctuation, double negatives and use of "etc" after a single point lead me to believe your conflict could be traced to poor communication, despite your assertion to the contrary.

While wearing a tiger codpiece.
And being attacked by some sort of Death Hawk.
And he is LOVING it.

Ask me again about conflict.
[FnG]magnolia;20381536 said:

I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but goddamned if I don't want to read it just based on that picture.

As for the original question - is people thinking you are behaving condescendingly to them (as from your description that seems to be the issue) a common thing? If it is then maybe it's something about your actions that gives that impression or maybe it says more about the people you hang about with than it does about you. I'd suspect most people have been the victim of a misunderstanding at some point in time but it's rare, usually if someone is annoyed at me then I've done something to deserve it.
I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but goddamned if I don't want to read it just based on that picture.

As for the original question - is people thinking you are behaving condescendingly to them (as from your description that seems to be the issue) a common thing? If it is then maybe it's something about your actions that gives that impression or maybe it says more about the people you hang about with than it does about you. I'd suspect most people have been the victim of a misunderstanding at some point in time but it's rare, usually if someone is annoyed at me then I've done something to deserve it.

What if maybe he actually IS being condescending. Always gotta look at this from two perspectives. :D
I once uploaded a video from youtube to my wall on the facebook, I envisioned it as thought provoking , it was about bucking the trend and trying not to be one of the rat race.
The basis of the video stemmed from not living a life worshipping money.
I thought it was something people could connect with.
A couple of people that I respected liked it and I had a good comment or two.
Then I had a "mate" wade in with some really disparaging comments about being a lonely sad old man with no money and no life.. plus a load of other insulting stuff.
It was up for six hours before I noticed this and I deleted it in haste in the heat of the moment and unfriended the contemptible ****.

Looking back at it, I wished I'd left it up for the rest of my friends to see what an utter arse the bloke actually is.
Clearly I hit a nerve as he is the typical "look at me and what I own, I have made it in life because I own a lexus with gold badges, have a house and a kid in tow" type of guy.

Not spoken a word to the bloke since. Seriously no love lost there if that's the thoughts he harboured against me.
Never understood his outburst to this day, I hadn't crossed him or had any previous ill feeling towards him..
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I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but goddamned if I don't want to read it just based on that picture.

It's the French translation of the English book "Daggers of Darkness", which is part of the Fighting Fantasy series. Remember those? Turn to 68 to enter the main passageway. Turn to 198 to take the narrow side passage.


will do as a convenient way to buy it.
it was an adventure game book, i 'read' it when i was 12. it was ok but was no citadel of chaos.

It's the French translation of the English book "Daggers of Darkness", which is part of the Fighting Fantasy series. Remember those? Turn to 68 to enter the main passageway. Turn to 198 to take the narrow side passage.


will do as a convenient way to buy it.

Thanks both, I now see why that saying exists. I'd be deeply disappointed if I bought that and expected something great but instead got an adventure game book.
[FnG]magnolia;20381536 said:

While wearing a tiger codpiece.
And being attacked by some sort of Death Hawk.
And he is LOVING it.

Ask me again about conflict.

He's not being attacked by the Death Hawk, he's a Beastmaster and he owns that bird.
I seem to have not sure if it's what i've said or done though but i can't imagine i wouldn't say that much to cause offense in any situation etc. Anyway i have been in some situations in life that i will not describe on here. Lets just say that a theme of "you think your better than us" seem to be the "unprovoked" reason resulting in me becoming the victims position. Subtle.

Stop being such a scummer then and people won't judge you :p
What the... Please explain what brought on that post shoes?
That's a bit over the top unless you have been involved in another thread with the OP I'm not aware of.
It's the French translation of the English book "Daggers of Darkness", which is part of the Fighting Fantasy series. Remember those? Turn to 68 to enter the main passageway. Turn to 198 to take the narrow side passage.

Ah the narrow back passage, your choice is stacked with possible hazzards, but sucessful navigation is reward in itself.
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