Ever lost an internet acquaintance?

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
Have you ever known anyone, either good friend or someone you know quite well just from the internet, perhaps never met them, and one day you discover they died? This just happened. Someone who used to run a UK Quake 3 server, who practically taught me the game, passed away yesterday. His son who is an elite Q3 player, just informed me his dad was found collapsed in the lounge. I had a little weep because he was such a nice guy and we had years of great times on his server. First time for me mourning the loss of someone I knew only from the net.
A very good online friend of mine died in a motorbike accident and I didn't find out for about a month afterwards. Found out when I googled his name as I was worried about him (he'd had a lot of family problems before but always made sure I knew how he was doing), it turned up a newspaper article about how he'd been killed.

Really did upset me and I still think about him now :( He was only 18, had his whole life ahead of him and he was finally going places with it.
Thankfully, all my 'lost' internet acquaintances are due to them growing up/getting jobs/married life etc..

No one that I have lost contact with on line has killed themselves, to my knowledge. But you never know, I suppose.
Had one guy who I used to play CS with disappear on us, we later found out he went to prison by a friend of his. But he never came back, was a great guy.
When I was a little younger and was making websites/forums and learning coding etc. I used to have a really good friend that would always help around the forums and was generally an awesome guy to talk with - he vanished for about 2 months, when I got a PM on the forum on his username from his girlfriend, basically saying he accidently overdosed on medication he was taking for back pain and that she wanted to let me know because he would always talk about the forums and the good friends he made :( RIP buddy...
Used to chat to a lad on a music forum and play operation flashpoint with him, he had an accident at work which required surgery, he never woke up from the anaesthetic
I've a friend from Cyprus who I've played game with for countless years, he vanished one day and re-appeared some months later!

He'd been forced to do compulsory Army whatever you call it.. It was great to talk to him again.

Also had another great friend vanish, only to re-appear on the clan forum months later telling us how he'd discovered life away from his Pc :p
Used to play BF1942 and DC in a clan RAF, a member called Holo "Adam" died, he was only 19, talked to him and played online with him all the time for a couple of years, he had dunchenne muscular dystrophy so the game and the clan were a big passtime to him. Ive actually not really played a great deal since, its like, its just not the same anymore. Still keep in-touch with most of the other clan members who I got to be friends with though. As a clan we all posted tributes on our clan site to him, they were printed out for his funeral. I subscribed as a life member on gamespy and I dont use anymore but on the odd occasion I have logged in he's still there on the friends list as Adam R.I.P (his family changed his tag after he died) and it might seem odd but it spooks me seeing his name there but I wont drop it from my friends list it seems kind of disrespectful.
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