Evolution DSL - The truth at last..

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
The owner of Evolution seems to have let the cat out of the bag at last:

Most ISPs deal with high usage customers in a very heavy handed way, either by charging them for over usage or by throttling their connections down. Our service was designed from the ground up to be as unlimited as possible within the constraints of the ADSL product itself. We think we have suceeded, and the majority of customers think so too. You can leave your downloader on 24/7 and never have to worry about bills or hitting limits, but your priority will drop to ensure your usage does not cause poor performance to other users.
We had a new piece of kit arrive yesterday which was bolted in to the racks late in the afternoon. It is supposed to prioritise all customers fairly, regardless of the amount of data they are trying to download without imposing rate limits or shaping - essentially making the contention work for the end user rather than against.
So according to them, everything is unlimited, and there is no traffic shaping.. it's just that if you download too much you'll have minimum priority and you WILL be throttled..
Is it me or is that traffic shaping? :confused:
This morning I started downloading at around 8:30am, was getting around 300k/s, then bang on 9am it dropped to a very consistent 90k/s, then 5mins later 60k/s, and 5mins after that 30k/s. Now it's pretty much dead..

Still praying that my MAC code will arrive any day now :rolleyes:
Uncapped 8mb at £24.99, was just a matter of when.

Over at adslguide, the odd person is still getting good speeds, however the majority are getting speeds similar to you
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