EXIF info

18 Oct 2002
watchin scrubs.

Ive just started with digi photography and want to know about 'EXIF' info?

How do you view this info? (just sussed this using a Firefox plugin :) )

How do you keep it embedded in image once edited -- > cropped/resized?

Im a little confused about it all and cant seem to find a decent guide explaining it.

Thx all
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Yeah, there are firefox and ie plugins to display exif info in browsers. IIRC then on macs the image has to be downloaded to view EXIF.

Different processing methods will get rid of EXIF - like HDR. If you're doing exposure blending or something and dragging an image between windows in PS then EXIF will be lost. If you use the 'save for web' option in PS then the EXIF is stripped (a normal save retains it).
When I used to edit photos with Paint Shop Pro i found that for some reason it liked getting rid of the EXIF info. I havent had that problem with Photoshop though.

A.N.Other has said it all.
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