Extending my network

30 Dec 2004
hey guys :)

I am currently looking to extend my wired connection through the house - but I'm not sure what I need to get. Do I need a switch?

So basically it'll be 1 wired cable comming from my router, into the switch and giving "5/8/16" ports worth of ethernet connections?

Any reccomendations as for them? Not looking to spend a lot, just want it to do the job - been looking on the famous aution place and found some cerca ~£20 area... but wanted to make sure if a Network Switch is what I need.

Input appreciated.

Yep a switch is fine. Make wise I'd avoid the completly brand x stuff, but other wise most stuff will be fine for a small network.

If you're only using it to share internet 100mb/s will be fine but if you're going to be using it to move large files between computers gigabit will be faster (as long as your pcs have gigabit cards).
A switch will let your internal network share files particularly if it and your wiring is gigabit capable.

If you do that then your 100mbs connection to the router for all the other devices is only issuing ip addresses and taking internet traffic which should be easy for any decent router.

You might want to consider another router or firewall for the internal network to allow more complex security but you would need to know how to configure it and its not worth it for most home users.
A switch will let your internal network share files particularly if it and your wiring is gigabit capable.

If you do that then your 100mbs connection to the router for all the other devices is only issuing ip addresses and taking internet traffic which should be easy for any decent router.

You might want to consider another router or firewall for the internal network to allow more complex security but you would need to know how to configure it and its not worth it for most home users.

no need for two routers on a single home network... its more hassle than its worth to install and troubleshoot, and he will only likely be using one subnet so what is the point?

100mbps is plenty for home network filesharing, unless your a high end user
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