F1 Championship edition (PS3)

18 Oct 2002
Is it just me or is it the most frustrating game ever?

I can easily get on pole but winning a race seems nigh on impossible. So far today i have tried to do imola to have.

1. Pit but no pit crew present, drove straight through.
2. Flag comes up once second before oil on road and spin off
3. On at least 3 occasions cpu cars knock me off in a mad manourve.

I had this when I first started with the other drivers driving into me when pitting where I'd slowed quicker than them it is frustrating but I'm still playing it to death.

I've not had the no pit crew thing though, was it a scheduled stop? if not you need to press the select button to request a pit stop.
Is the pit garage icon green when you go into the pits?

My main annoyance (offline) is the seemingly large difference between the medium and hard difficulties.
I always make sure I press 'Select' a few times before going into pits. I haven't messed one up yet.

I couldn't win many races on SP due to always crashing on the first few laps (:(). Played on MP and it's much easier to win for some reason.
chris_87 said:
Is the pit garage icon green when you go into the pits?

My main annoyance (offline) is the seemingly large difference between the medium and hard difficulties.
LOL, this is so true. On medium I was dominating quali and race in a Torro Rosso, but on hard I couldn't even secure a test drive!!!
I got more annoyed at the seemingly fixed grand prix mode.

I'd won the first 4 races, even qualified on pole.. started the 5th, and within 5 minutes.. ENGINE FAILURE ... no matter how many times I retried it (re-load save) the same thing happened.

I sold it shortly after :mad:
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