Fallen Earth - post apocalyptic mmo

4 Jun 2003
Fraggle Rock
Been playing this for the last few days - it's officially released next week, but pre-orders have had access since the 9th.

It's deep, complex, not particularly pretty, and reminds me a lot of SWG pre-lucasarts raping. Just about everything in the game can be crafted, levelling is very slow, and you're not led by the hand much. WoW / Aoin fans will HATE it :D

Impressions so far - crafting / resource gathering is the best I've seen since SWG.

Community is really good. Helpful and friendly. I believe there's faction based PvP later on in the game, but have no idea what's involved.

Graphics are actually not bad. No bloom or fancy effects, but lots of details and massive draw distance. Again, reminds me of SWG.

Backstory is brilliant, a lot more professional than I was expecting from such a small company.

Combat I'm not sure about at the moment. It's semi twitch based, you have to aim weapons. It feels a bit weird at the moment, but that might be because I have a crappy starter crossbow.

Atmosphere is cool, almost feels like a western with it being set around the grand canyon and with everyone on horses and rebuilding from low tech beginnings.

It's also classless - each time you level you assign points to whataver skills you want.

Some pics :

The UI is pretty cool, very customisable :



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No trials yet, I had to take the plunge and order it direct from the website (www.fallenearth.com). Glad I did though, it's a real breath of fresh air - mmo's have been getting more and more patronising recently, you can really get your teeth into this.
Nope, it's live now. Not sure if you can get into the early access if you buy the client now, or have to wait until the 22nd at this stage.
Really useful info...

However, I shudder at thoughts of how macabre the game must be if you can "craft" your horse :D

Find a lady horse that you love very much.....:p

@ Sinny - the levels are really just to control how / when you can allocate skill points. It's less open to abuse than the raise-by-usage method, but still lets you have a custom character.
The usual - $15 a month, cheaper is you go for 3 or 6 month subs. I'm trying hard not to get too excited about it, because the only content I've seen so far is low level, but it does seem very promising, and the whole vibe feels very similar to the old SWG.

The only thing missing is housing, but the world is HUGE, it would be cool if they allowed even limited town placement at some point. No idea if this is on the cards though.
Mark is talking about :

Horse - four legged riding-on thingie.

I'm talking about :

House - no legged living-in thingie.

Edit - wow, great minds :D
It's an online only game Dinks. You can kill other players later in the game via faction warfare, but as will all mmo's, you never really complete the game.

For the people buying the game, I got it direct from the www.fallenearth.com, and got an average 400k on download.
Yeah, my ATV's been parked since I realised how much it was going to cost to run it.

Made my first proper handgun last night, but if I dual wield two of them I can't see myself being able to afford to keep myself in ammo :)

Making the handgun itself was a marathon - had to buy the skillbooks for handguns, pistol fittings, barrels, firing chambers. Then had to craft each component before the actual gun itself. Mind you, even the simplest gun has much better dps than the zip guns.

Then I had to get the science skill for gunpowder before I could make bullets :D

The only thing that bugs me is that there doesn't seem to be any customisation in the crafting process - the end stats always seem to be the same. Don't think there's any way of creating a better version of the same item.
Combat was poor, having to press tab to target was very annoying if you used to FPS where you just shoot.

Not sure what you mean here, you hit whatever you aim at. Not in front of the game at the moment, but I think it actually targets something now if you hit it.

Questing was dull. Only being able to track one quest at time and not being able to scroll around the map to see where to go was annoying.

Yeah, the single quest thing is a pain. You can however scroll around the sector map. Don't know why you'd think you can scroll around the overhead map, it's really just a large scale radar - if you could scroll around it you'd be able to see resource nodes miles from you.

Seemed to be open character customisation but no guidance on how/what to spec isn’t good. Or how to undo things if you picked the wrong thing.

There are now templates that you can activate, they show which skills you should be raising for a particular profession. They'll probably allow a single respec once the game's been going a few weeks.

Finally the dev are out of touch with the market asking £30 pounds for the game and £15 a month. They are better free mmo’s out there, which I reckon will be the games fate.

There's nothing else like it out there at the moment. Depends what you're into I suppose, but it's certainly a breath of fresh air compared to the increasingly cookie cutter mmo's being produced.

The crafting might not be to everyone's taste, but it fits very well with the post apocalyptic theme, and encourages people to work together, since it's damn hard to craft everything you need yourself.
Ok, you can download from steam as many times as you want. Just can't play on more than one PC at a time.

It's a weird game to try to describe. Very open world, doesn't pamper you at all. If you want weapons and equipment, you'll have to scavenge and craft them. This in itself is very compelling, and really captures the post-apocalyptic scarce resources vibe. It feels very like a western for the first few levels - everyone's on horses cos fuel is so scarce, a lot of the quests are defend-against-bandits storylines. You start off with lumps of lead pipe and crossbows, and only gradually start to be able to make proper guns and armour.

Graphics are...functional. Quite detailed with a massive draw distance, but a bit bland overall. Combat is a bit clunky too, but does get better as you get better weapons and abilities.

As to whether it's worth it, depends on your taste in mmo's. If you like to be led by the hand, get lots of gear from quests, and never have to actually think about what you're doing, you'll absolutely detest it.

If you like a bit more depth and complexity and a lot more freedom in how you develop your character, it'll keep your attention. I've played nothing else since I started at it.
I think the only pre-order that makes you wait is the Steam one, not sure though.

Probably better off staying away for a few days after launch anyway. The early access was smooth enough, but I can see the server falling over a few times if a lot of people hit sector one tomorrow.

The leveling in the game is so slow and the first sector so big that nearly the entire population is still going to be in it. Embry Crossroads (the first major hub) has been straining under the weight of players the last few days.
Nope, combat is very clunky, definitely the weak point of the game for me. At the moment it's not too bad with dual pistols - damage mod action before my first shot, pistol whip when they get in range, and then just pump them full of bullets.

I'm a bit wary of what it's going to be like in another 10 levels when I have enough stamina for a lot of actions per fight though. At least combat isn't the sole means of levelling, I seem to gain as much from crafting and scavenging.
It's about 4GB total, so however long that usually takes on your connection, combined witht the fact that it's launch day and their servers are probably getting hammered :)
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