It's been worth buying since the day it came out.
It's been worth buying since the day it came out.
If you've played FO3 then you may aswell get it if you want it. If you've not played FO3 then get the GotY edition and ignore FONV till its cheap or has its own GotY edition.
Its worth getting, but it really needs a patch to sort some issues out. Hopefully its coming this week
same question as OP.
and "if you like FO3 then get it" is not an answer that interests me, not really helpfull to state the obvious
what I would like to know are the bugs ironed out? I have read many forum posts about bugs (performance, ingame quests etc...). I don't want this to be like Oblivion, it was riddled with bugs, I basically unistalled it and played it a year later once the bugs had been addressed