family planning clinics?

If they aren't then there will be an emergency doctor - get your friend to call their local surgery or NHS Direct and they can point them in the right direction. Emergency docs can dish out emergency contraception. (obviously :p)
clock is ticking though

morning after pill needs to be used asap and def before 72hrs, but efficacy drops off the longer your friend leaves it

can be bought OTC ~20 quid iirc, via most Emergency Depts, via out of hours GP cooperatives or get info from NHS DIREct

an IUCD can be fitted up to 5 days post event, but only is done by GP's who do it and family planning clinics

Zip said:
Condoms are Free now!!!! :eek:

Cheapo 'pasanti' ones are free. Get them from the Johnny Wagon! :D

Walking out of Boots with armfulls of jonnies will most likley see you arrested though so I wouldnt try it
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