fancy dress ideas 1940's/50's

6 Oct 2004
Hey, im looking for some fancy dress ideas for a party, the theme is 1940's/50

Ive had two ideas so far

#1 = Go as an army soldier
#2 = Go as elvis! ( i hope that was 1950's, was it?)

Im wanting more ideas, and i know you guys will hopefully know some :D

So fire away
Richie Cunningham.

But that won't be very fancy. I was going to say the Fonz, but everyone will just think you're trying to be Elvis.

Marilyn Monroe.
rasies thumbs and lets out an *ahhhh*


sidewinder i had already considered your ideas,but...we might be off into town afterwards and i dont think i would last very long dressed as a natzi lol!
Aaah, I went to a 1940's Nazi party. As in, a party around Nazism, not in the Nazi party. Obviously tongue in cheek. Was good fun, got odd looks from by standers heading to the party however.
jidh007 said:
Aaah, I went to a 1940's Nazi party. As in, a party around Nazism, not in the Nazi party. Obviously tongue in cheek. Was good fun, got odd looks from by standers heading to the party however.

You see, now if you had gone to a 1940s Nazi party (as in the Nazi party) I'd be highly impressed and wish to know how you were able to time travel! But unfortunately you didnt mean that and all my hopes were dashed, you've ruined my week now you scallywag!
Andr3w said:
sidewinder i had already considered your ideas,but...we might be off into town afterwards and i dont think i would last very long dressed as a natzi lol!

Maybe a different variation of a British soldier then, have you seen Allo Allo before?

+ Stop ignoring me on MSN. I hate it when you do that and that is most of the time, therefore i currently hate
you. :(
SideWinder said:
Maybe a different variation of a British soldier then, have you seen Allo Allo before?

+ Stop ignoring me on MSN. I hate it when you do that and that is most of the time, therefore i currently hate
you. :(

i treat you mean to keep you keen <3
Trawl charity shops for clothes.When we did a similar thing, a guy dressed up in old cricket clothes and looked really great, including a school tie for a belt. A great summer look too.
Pudney@work said:
You see, now if you had gone to a 1940s Nazi party (as in the Nazi party) I'd be highly impressed and wish to know how you were able to time travel! But unfortunately you didnt mean that and all my hopes were dashed, you've ruined my week now you scallywag!

Hehe, that'd be pretty useful to my A level history course :P
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