Fans for a TRUE on i7

14 Dec 2005
armoy, n. ireland
Ill be putting my i7 rig together next week, ive heard and read that theese chips run pretty hot., ive got a lapped TRUE black and a selection of sharkoon fans, 5x2000 rpm's and 3x se modular fans that i can run via pwm, i also have an akasa junior fan controller that can control 6 fans using splitters, hoping to hit 4ghz on an i7 920DO.
They pretty much all do 4ghz under reasonable cooling. Almost boringly easily really, I moved vcore and qpi voltage up a small bit, set 200x20 and the damned thing passes stability tests. Bit dull really.

Id want the 2000rpm ones, but I'd like to know why you have five of them. Surely not using 2k fans as case fans?

I recommend the 38mm fans. I have a single san ace, and it is a beast. I confess I'm yet to connect it to a radiator, but I've run it on 12V and it sounds nice, if not quiet, and feels a bit like a hair drier in terms of air pressure :)

The really mad thing is the weight of it, if you twist your hand with it spinning you can feel the gyroscope fighting you
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I used to have 5 of them jon when i had my old q6600 at 3.8ghz, that cpu was insane. I put 1.52 vcore through it for 3.8ghz, hence the high powered fans, but all of the fans were run of a controller, in normal use the rig was totally silent, most noise came from my secondary hdd (an old wd 250gb caviar) looking back now my voltages on that 65nm cpu were pretty mild, with a couple of delta fans on the TRUE i should have tried for 4ghz, you cant kill a q6600 with vcore, theyre that robust. i fairly miss that cpu.
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