FAO Those who ordered the Wii points from the Nintendo catalogue

18 Oct 2002
Nintendo said:
Dear Nintendo fan,

Last Friday we have been running internal tests in the Stars Catalogue on our website. Unfortunately, because of a mistake during the testing phase, the Wii Points item accidentally appeared on the website between 4pm and 8pm.

We noticed that you have accessed the Stars Catalogue during this testing period, and that you spent 789 Stars on the item, without getting any Wii Points in return.

First of all, we want to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

This item is not available in the Stars Catalogue, and the price of 789 stars used during the testing period was entirely random.

However, we understand that this may have caused a disappointment. So, as we know how committed you are to Nintendo - and given the exceptional circumstances - we decided to electronically send you 1000 Wii points, if you'd like that. In case you do not want to get these Wii Points, we will of course reimburse the amount of Stars you spent.

Please allow us some time to properly prepare the opportunity for you to choose between Wii Points or Stars. You will receive a follow-up email from us soon, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

Thanks again for your understanding,

Best regards,
Nice :)
Sweet. I've spent a fair bit on VC games (£50 I think), so I wish I had the persistance to get these points.
Just received the email with the link letting me either:

Have the 1000 wii points


Have the 789 stars back

Hardly a tough decision! There's no way wii points will cost less than 789 stars for 1000 points when it actually gets going so it's a no brainer.
Lol, dafty wrote the number on a parcelline pickup note, then picked up the parcel and forgot about the number. Luckily you can log back on and get it :p

Had a quick look on the Virtual Console, nothing jumped out at me so will keep it for another day I think and see what else comes out.

Good on Nintendo for this whole thing, I dont imagine many companies would have gone through the process of offering the customer the choice.
I was wondering if that system was probably the real system they going to use once buying wii points actually goes online? Seemed fairly professional for something only a handful of people going to use.

I think i'll spend 800 of my 1000 points on Zelda link to the past as i've never played it.
Thanks for posting that , the emial account i use for the stars thing never gets checked.

I went with the points, I hesitated for a second but I cant see them giving an exchange rate like that when they properly roll it out.

As for it being the end system they will use, I doubt it, Id like to think it will be all automatic, since the accounts are already linked.
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