Faulty TV?

18 Apr 2010
In 09 i purchased a samsung 32" tv, le32b550 i think off hand. Recently it is now started to get on my nerves. The remote will sometimes not respond, ive tried replacing the batteries and doing the discharge of power thing, not only that but the buttons on the side of the TV do not work either. It will randomly switch sources and generally get on my nerves, if i press the source button on the side of the tv the menu will pop up which is confising to say the least. Anyone have any ideas on hwo to solve this? An indian dish wants £154 to fix it if it is borken, in that case im going ot save and buy a new 40" led tv, but id rather keep this one for now as funds are tight. Any advice is appreciated.
An indian dish?

If you purchased it in 2009 then contact the retailer regarding their obligations under the sale of goods act. £600 of TV should last more than 2 years. Don't take no for an answer.
Haha not quite, cost me about £450 including cable tidies and a stand, it only came with 1 year warranty, can i still get some sort of solution even though it is out of warranty?
Well, actually i brought it from a place thats name that rhyms with homit, and how do i go about getting a repair or replacement? I am about tho phone up.
You can try. If I learned anything while working in retail it's that the 1 year manufacturers warranty is not absolute. They might try and dress it up and sell you extended warranties etc but Sale of Goods act makes it the retailers responsiblity. It is reasonable to assume that a Samsung will last longer than a £200 supermarket special.

My Panasonic HDD recorder broke at 15 months old. The high street retailer gave me the runaround (as expected). Contacted Panasonic who suggested a local repairer that could take a look for a small fee and that they would be open to a goodwill gesture. Panasonic covered the parts and 75% of the labour. Cost me £30 to get it fixed.

The retail park sellers will try anything to wriggle out of Sale of Goods act responsibilities. I know having worked for one. Be polite but firm, don't rant or swear at them and don't take no for an answer! if that doesn't work, try Samsung.
Ok thnak you very much, what should I say though, I have never had to do this, sale of goods act is new to me, should I just say that for example, its gone wrong, it should last longer and i have used it under the reccomended useage and it has broken, can you get it repaired ir replaced or a refund?
Have a google, you'll find some sample letters and advice. "sale of goods act faulty tv" should do it.

Try contacting the store you bought it from as a first step. If they give you the runaround write to head office. Don't press for a refund - you don't really have a right to one. Repair or replacement is the best you can reasonably expect.
I phoned up, it owuld have been £145 to fix it, i mentioned the goods act and she sighed and said that i can get it looked at for £70 by comet, or I can get it done by another person. Im going to see if i can get it seen for cheaper then ring them back. Cheers for the help mate, i appreciate it.
They will try to fob you off whatever. And they also cant charge you to look at your faulty TV. I would suggest getting some local specialist to look at it and and give you a price to fix it. You can get him to wright you a covering letter saying that the fault is a manufacturing fault and was inherint in the TV from the day of purchase they Comet have to fix it for nothing, either that or replace the set.

On another note I would phone samsung as well they had a number of model numbers that they have known issue with and if you have that model they will send someone out to fix it for free.
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