Favourite Logos?

Wise Guy
23 May 2009
I'm getting a logo designed and I need some examples of good website logos.

I have ZERO creativity/artism and can't even think of any I like to show the designer the style I want. Please post up some good ones.

BTW I don't like the OCUK one. Or anything with a mascot.
Also it seems to me the most successful logos are extremely simple ones. I realized Craigslist for example doesn't even have a logo.
I sat here thinking for a minute or two "what logo do I really really like" then realised, I can't think of any off the top of my head. Not pick a favourite I mean, but not be able to actually think of a logo. Like my brain doesn't register branding logos. Even from websites I use nearly everyday. Amazon for example. I have absolutely no clue what their logo is.
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