fed up with my tarrif, advice please

14 May 2003
im currently with orange and paying £30 for 200 mins !
my contract isnt due do run out for a couple of months and im wondering of i can get a better deal or do i have to wait for my contract to expire??
ive got a Nokia N70 as well and i fancy another phone, what are my options?
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Well, unless you're spending loads every month, they won't want to talk to you about upgrades until 4-8 weeks before your contract is due to expire. That usually means sometime between month 10 and 11 of your 12-month contract.

Also, apparently (according to a very frustrated friend) they won't let you join an Animal tariff if your original contract was not an animal tariff. As those seem to be the most attractive ones (other than specially negotiated upgrade tariffs), you might struggle to find a different one that will be better for you, out of the ones you are actually allowed to switch to.

Just how far into the contract are you? Are we talking month 2-3, or month 9-10?
If you're in the last three months (beginning of month 10 onwards) of your contract, you can change to one of the new animal packages as part of an upgrade deal with no probs at all.

What you can't do is change to an animal package without a new contract term starting...
ok cool , so i can change my tarrif with no problems at all ?
maybe i should give orange a ring ,
all i need to do now is decide on a phone
spinna said:
ok cool , so i can change my tarrif with no problems at all ?
maybe i should give orange a ring ,
all i need to do now is decide on a phone

Depending on how much you're spending, there may still be an upgrade fee for the handset at this point in the contract, but yeah, should be no problems apart from that (and if that's the only problem, wait a couple of months and it'll go)
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