Female rapper ?

22 Oct 2002
West country

Does anone know of a female rapper along the lines of Eminem/D12 ?

It's for a teenage nephew's christmas present, they like the above and I wondered if there is a female equivalent ?


p.s. I'm way to old to know about such things :D
Along the lines of Eminem/D12? I'm not quite sure what that means, do u mean the female rapper is related to these? Or just a similar style?

I can only think if Li'l Kim (American rapper who had a few singles this year)

Only other female rapper I can think of is Lady Sovereign, although she isn't really linked to Eminem. She is trying to break America I think though.
Thanks for the quick replies, I have a good idea what to look for at the shops now :cool:

daven1986 said:
missy elliot does have some good songs.
No she doesn't. She's not a bad producer but anything she actually features on she pretty much ruins, anything actually made under her name sucks the hind one.
Lady Sovereign is the one you are after she is damn popular shes a rapper AND British.

Some of you guys are out of touch...;)
Chrisp7 said:
Lady Sovereign is the one you are after she is damn popular shes a rapper AND British.

Some of you guys are out of touch...;)
and as chav as you can get :)
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