Fender TC-90

16 May 2004
Has anyone ever played or heard anything about the Fender TC-90

Fender TC-90

I really like the look and I've been after both a hollowbody and a P-90 loaded guitar and this is both. Plus its only £419.

Any opinions would be nice before I go and spend my hard earned cash.

I have a Vox AC-30 so I reckon they could sound nice together.
is that the standard AC-30 or is it an AC-30TB?

i'm oddly attracted to that guitar aswell, its not my usual tastes but it works, sorry i cant add anything more than that though :p
Its the custom classic with the blue celestions so it has a top boost channel.

Its quite a nice amp once I'd changed the tubes!

The guitar looks really good for the money and what I've read says the tone is brilliant.
Never played one, but looks awesome on paper. I reckon it would be a good combination with your amp.

The only slight concern would be the body is small for a semi-hollow cutaway, without playing one though, I don't know if that is necessarily a problem. Have a go and write a review back :)
starscream said:
Never played one, but looks awesome on paper. I reckon it would be a good combination with your amp.

Thats what I was thinking. Its trying to find one in a guitar shop that's the difficult part. I might give a few a ring up and try it out on Saturday.

Which colour would you go for out of interest? I like the Black Cherry. :)
Malc said:
Which colour would you go for out of interest? I like the Black Cherry. :)

They both look really nice. My first impression was Black Cherry as well, although now I'm beginning to think Vintage White :D
starscream said:
They both look really nice. My first impression was Black Cherry as well, although now I'm beginning to think Vintage White :D

Thats exactly what I was thinking because the Cherry might start to look dated but the White will always look good.
Deffo go for the Cherry.

I think the shape is a bit "Marmite" as it is, and the white kinda makes it stand out. It suits the Cherry colour, though.
Well here's my highly delayed review of the Fender TC-90 that was asked for...

I would post pictures of it but I havent got anyway of transfering them cos I left all my cables at uni! :p

It's the Black Cherry one.

The sound is what makes this guitar amazing. Combined with a tubescreamer and an AC30 the Distortion is possibly the most classic rock that I've ever heard. Very midrangey and just chunky as hell.

The clean sound is pretty good when both pickups are selected. Its quite a full sounding chime. I describe it as a warmer, fuller single coil sound kind of inbetween the twang of my telecaster and a lot less sterile than the sound of say an SG. So inbetween a single coil and a humbucker, but I'm sure the hollowbody makes it warmer than a standard P-90.

The only problem I have with this guitar is that the neck has a thick layer of laquer on it and it seems a bit slower to play than my telecaster. I've got used to this now and it doesn't really bother me.

Overall, its definitely worth the £400 I paid for it as its the best sounding guitar that I own and considering its made in Korea, the build quality is definitely there.
I'd love a hollow bodied Ibanez with P90's.

Imo it would be the best sounding easiest to play guitar available but try and find one!
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