Few general questions on biking

21 Oct 2004
West Yorkshire
I've only just started back on my 125cc after having some set backs after doing my cbt in January this year - finding a decent bike then trapping my sciatic nerve :(
Been going great last few days, finally getting to grips with gear change and setting off with out over/under reving.

Few questions though,

1) at the moment cruising a lot in 3rd, doing 30mph in 3rd the revs sit at roughly 5-6k - is this right or would I be best going up to 4th? The engine doesn't sound strained but the bike is loud anyway.

2) when cornering is it safe to stay in 3rd? I have mainly been taking them in 2nd but on occasion have stayed in 3rd, the only problem I can think of is if I have to accelerate to correct any drift.

3) considering getting some summer trousers - wearing just jeans recently - are kevlar jeans going to be ok for my commute (15 miles round trip), I don't really want to be spending more than £70 if I can help it so will consider alternatives.

Really enjoying it, only things that have annoyed me have been other drivers, when I'm doing 30mph on a 30 road and they over take me or get up my arse or when at the lights some taxi drivers take ages to move off on the green and seem like there doing it on purpose as they can hear me reving to move off. But hey this is when I'm going through Levenshulme and Longsight so its what to expect...

Bike is a Suzuki GN125 and I probably fall into the noisey category of bikes but not in a whiny way, she just grunts really loud :P
Do what you feel is best, nobody can tell you that 3rd gear is OK for 30mph... For example my CG 125 can do 30 max in 2nd gear so i cruise it in 3rd gear. However my Shadow 125 can do 50mph in 3rd so i would cruise at 30 in 2nd gear.

As for other drivers, when you come to lights you can go down the right hand side of traffic to get to the front, as most bikers do. And for people overtaking you: if your bike has the power you could accelerate past the overtaking car, making them look pathetic.

But again it's all about power, all bikes are different.

Just basic cotton jeans are good for normal road speeds, 30mph. Obviously on more rough roads they might tear a little but ive came off my bike at 40mph in jeans and not had a scratch :S.

Good luck :).
I understand what you are saying, mine can get to 30 in 2nd and cruises fine in 3rd at 30 just don't want to risk over reving it or causing any damage as I am very fond of my little 125 and even after passing my full test I plan on keeping it as my short journey commuter.

I have started reving it higher now between gear changes, as before I was changing up as soon as it hit 6k - letting it hit closer to 10k now and it seems to prefer it.

Love the cruisers and had my eye set on a shadow/marauder when I first looked into it but am glad I didn't as I have fallen for the whole cafe scene and although I want a nice big cruiser in the future I have plans on a purely cosmetic cafe project for my GN over summer as a bit of fun and introduction to minor mechanics.
1) Whatever is most comfortable with you. I tend to find 3rd at those "reasonably" high rpms is better especially when a little bit of wind or rubbish road surface can knock your balance a bit.
2) By cornering, I take it you mean just a bend in the road. Again, it's all about comfort, but also control. If you can pull up straight without losing power in third, yes. If not, you should be switching to second. Knowing will come in time with practise. If you mean turning into a side road, then second for control, especially if it's a sharp one.
3) You're very unlikely to come off with any serious damage going 30mph. I do about 20 miles round trip each day to work on a 125, and it's fine to wear just jeans at this time of year tbh. You're more likely to change into something warmer than safer in this country at those speeds. :)

As for people overtaking you when you go 30, aslong as you're doing 30 and in a decent road position, aka in the center or slightly right of center in your lane, don't worry about being overtaken. Just make sure they're aware that they'll be going into the other lane to overtake you, not shoving you to the side of your lane when they do so.

If someone gets close to the back of you, tap your brake, enough to put the brake light on but without actually braking. Usually gets rid of them. If the road is pretty quiet and they're proper tailing you for a distance, just indicate left and slow a bit, they'll soon pass you.

Once you get a bit more confident, you'll probably end up filtering past said taxis. You'll also get a lot better at timing your clutch vs throttle, and even on a 125 you can easily zoom off from lights faster than any car driver would. Be aware that most taxis probably accelerate slowly because they expect bikes to fly past them just as the lights turn green, especially if they can only see part of your bike in the mirror. :)

Overall, don't be bullied, just because your engine is smaller than the other vehicles on the road, doesn't mean you have any less right to be there. Aslong as you hold your road position, and are proactive in being both assertive and defensive in how you ride, you'll soon lose your worries. a lot of this comes in time and with experience.

By the way, the louder your little bike is the better. Makes people more aware of you, and if you're a quiet little thing they'll much more happily pass you than if you're roaring around, people wont mess with you so much. :)
First off get used to changing up and down through all the gears, if you are just cruising along then go into a higher gear, puts less strain on the engine and uses less fuel, if 3rd feels ok then just go into 4th while you are at a steady pace, I've not been on a 125 for a while so cant remember what gear/rev/speed's are what, as long as the engines not chugging then a higher gear is fine.

As DWorrall said, nobody can tell you whats safe/best for cornering, its what feels most comfortable for you, if it feels sluggish accelerating from the corner then change down a gear, if the revs are high before your even accelerating then try the next gear.
When learning its best to be in the right gear a bit before the corner so you have plenty of time to change if you need too, rather than panicking mid corner.

Don't let other road users intimidate you, as above ride defensively just off right to the center of the road, if they want to pass you then will regardless, once your more confident you will be having the last laugh as your filtering past them in traffic :)

Kevlar Jeans are better than nothing, they will certainly protect you from road rash, and you can Google road rash at 30mph in jeans, its not pretty! but its not going to stop you from breaking bones, you need something with Armour in them as minimum.
Go into a bike shop and see what size fits best then find some deals on eBay and build up your gear gradually :p
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