Few pics of my 3 series.

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18 Oct 2002
Few pics of my cleaned up 2001 BMW 325ci Convertible.

Before you ask I am awaiting Mtec Side Skirts.






Flame away!
It's days like this that I wish the top came off mine.

Nice car dude - the second set of ACS wheels look good. Wicksta's got them on his car IIRC.

If you've got the cash lying around and you're looking for ideas, there are a few nice mods you could do:

- Could easily swap that 4:3 HU out for a 16:9
- get a wind deflector if you haven't got one already
- fit an Alpina boot spoiler
- fit LED rear lights
NickXX said:
It's days like this that I wish the top came off mine.

Nice car dude - the second set of ACS wheels look good. Wicksta's got them on his car IIRC.

If you've got the cash lying around and you're looking for ideas, there are a few nice mods you could do:

- Could easily swap that 4:3 HU out for a 16:9
- get a wind deflector if you haven't got one already
- fit an Alpina boot spoiler
- fit LED rear lights

I'm going away for a month at the end of summer, so cash is spent!

But I'll be doing things to it when I get back or selling it and buying an M3 coupe.

Or if I do keep it then I'll defo be modding it with above things.
hehe ac shnitzer

How come every chavvy'd up bmw i see has ac snitzer or whatever written
all over it!

Your car looks very nice btw, ButI think I would get some nice BMW alloys for it :)
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