few shots from today (no judges!)



17 Dec 2002
been out to play tonight. light painting didn't go to well in the tunnels (my new torch didn't arrive, so didn't even really try it)

these are a few that i'm thinking of playing with and entering for this round. which do you reckon would make the best starting image?




finally, this one was just playing with the compact. it didn't really work as well as i'd hoped... but i still quite like it

1 and 2 are really nice, but could be stunning. I would apply some post processing to try and give them more impact. I would be tempted to turn the first one black and white and emphasise the dark and light areas. If it was made to look much moodier, it would be a really great shot.

Lovely subject matter!!!
How long did you stay there GeX? If feel all these shots at these cool locations would really shine with the right lighting. Id be tempted to get there at sunrise or sunset and see what happens. It also might be worth taking a small bag of flower or similar to kick up some dust for the light to catch. Imagine a location like this with shafts of orange light coming through. None of these shots really hit the nail on the head im afraid. The first one is probably the best, but the wheelchair is too central, and the rest of the shot doesn't work together very well. Is this the same place as the last lot you posted? Because I thought the corridors had some really good potential.
I do like the first shot - but would have framed it slightlly different.

Would have the wheelchair further to the right of the shot, still
facing the way it is thou.

martinturner said:
1 and 2 are really nice, but could be stunning. I would apply some post processing to try and give them more impact. I would be tempted to turn the first one black and white and emphasise the dark and light areas. If it was made to look much moodier, it would be a really great shot.

Lovely subject matter!!!

thanks. i'll have a play and see what i can come up with to the that effect

messiah khan said:
How long did you stay there GeX? If feel all these shots at these cool locations would really shine with the right lighting. Id be tempted to get there at sunrise or sunset and see what happens. It also might be worth taking a small bag of flower or similar to kick up some dust for the light to catch. Imagine a location like this with shafts of orange light coming through. None of these shots really hit the nail on the head im afraid. The first one is probably the best, but the wheelchair is too central, and the rest of the shot doesn't work together very well. Is this the same place as the last lot you posted? Because I thought the corridors had some really good potential.

was only there for a couple of hours this time, most of which was spent underground. not a lot to see, and the pictures from down there didn't come out well at all. I'd never thought about using flouer before to catch shafts of light, i like that - might well have to try it. The sun was quite low in the sky, and i was trying to use that light in another part of the building - but without a tripod, it was just not possible:


It is the same site as last time, but a different part of it. No corridoors in this bit, however I do love the corridoor shots and will be returning to get more of them.

-=BAF=-AXE said:
I do like the first shot - but would have framed it slightlly different.

Would have the wheelchair further to the right of the shot, still
facing the way it is thou.


yeah, i agree. i did reshoot that one similar to that on the way back out through there - but the light had faded, and it looked crap :(
Helium_Junkie said:
You're a braver man than I! :eek:

whats you realise there really isn't anything to be scared of, paddling in tunnels beneath what was once europes largest mental asylum isn't all that bad :)

these are some more shots from that trip, i like the two with the high voltage signs but imo they don't really fit into the theme very well. what do you guys think?



i suppose this one, mebbe?


after giving up on my car tonight, i think i'm fill my blood with caffine and play with photoshop tonight
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