Yeah but if you get coin wiped/banned it’s a lot of time and money down the drain.

Tevez shooting is up there but he’s not prime icon level overall, hasn’t got enough traits and what not.
Tevez is awesome! Paid 50k plus untradeables.

Thankfully I already had all these players,

Woke up this morning starting to decide against Tevez... but then I’ve seen some comments in here so i’ll do him. Will most likely be used as a super sub for me. No way to get him into my current teams without a huge amount of changing around, or saving up a little bit more, not buying a Kante and instead buying an Argentine ST Icon(85 Crespo?)
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$100 for a million coins at the moment. Seems good value when you think an ultimate pack is £15 and you get nothing over 84 most of the time.

I used to buy coins on pc around probably Fifa 12/13. For £40 I got a million coins. I did the math and for the same amount of packs if I bought Fifa points it’d cost like £200 or so, off the top of my head.
Neymar is down at 490k now, also ended up getting TIF Werner back for 280k last night, he’s sat at 350 all week and already heading back up

Think I’ll do Tevez later
I want to do Tevez I really do but I can’t face having another untradeable causing me massive Chem problems.

Aubamayang has been great but he seriously ***** all hybrids. Bit like Mane last year! Next year can you all remind me not to do a POTM within the first 2 months.
Just playing a really tight game against a good opponent. Adjust my tactics at half time and the game moves POTM Lucas to CDM and Fabinho to the wing. Nothing I do gets them back into the right positions. Switching formation doesn't work, moving players manually just makes it worse.

You really do have to be an utter moron to say this game is good. It's a truly embarrassing state of affairs it really is. Just because you love football and therefore enjoying playing a football game, doesn't actually make it a good release.

You have to swap the players around then swap them around again. It's stupid that this bug is still in the game.
Not as impressed with 89 Ballack as I had hoped, seems to be all over the place but not in a bad way all the time ..! Tempted to go back to 41212(2) but that would mean no Bale :(
Not as impressed with 89 Ballack as I had hoped, seems to be all over the place but not in a bad way all the time ..! Tempted to go back to 41212(2) but that would mean no Bale :(

Got prime Ballack, hes strong, great passing, great shooting(scored a load from outside the box, I pretty much shoot on sight with him :p), ok heading but hes quite cumbersome and even with boosts a bit slow and useless at dribbling.
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