** FIFA 2009 League ** (360) - That time again!

Go on then. I'll have a crack.

Forum : Droolinggimp
GT : Droolinggimp

When are the fixture lists going to be announced? I have never done a league on here before so not sure how it works. Do we play one member twice in one sitting, home and away? Post the scores and move on to next available member?
I could be interested so stick me down provisionally, just the cup competition kind of put me off having 2 wait nearly 2 weeks for one game. I know a league would be different as there will be lots of people to play in any order but there still might be one or 2 people that are hardly ever on.

GT: R0B 75
When are the fixture lists going to be announced? I have never done a league on here before so not sure how it works. Do we play one member twice in one sitting, home and away? Post the scores and move on to next available member?

The league is created through Fifa. You sign up and it will show you everyone in the league and who you still have to play.
You only play each person once and in any order you want. If their is a person online who you haven't played yet then you can play him at anytime.

This was for Fifa 08, not sure if it's changed in 09.
Count me in. Haven't played much Fifa since I got it but always up for a game.

As usual I am not fussed on what star ratings we opt for, I think the 3.5* teams we used in 08 were good balanced sides.
The league is created through Fifa. You sign up and it will show you everyone in the league and who you still have to play.
You only play each person once and in any order you want. If their is a person online who you haven't played yet then you can play him at anytime.

This was for Fifa 08, not sure if it's changed in 09.

Makes sense. I forgot about the leagues on the game..:rolleyes:
bout time, im in

tag :utajoker182

team star rating should be the same, not a mix like the cup was, 3.5 - 4 star was a big difference.

maybe get a poll for 1 2 or 3 star teams, we already done a 4 star on 08.

i personaly would rather go for the lower star teams 1 or 2, less variance and will mean the better player wins through skill over team, and there are no stand out teams in that bracket, like palermo on the 4* who can take on 5*.
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me, I'll keep the game for the league

Now , for the whole debate on team selection etc. This year I have absolutely no clue, however I don't like it when we play with too crappy teams, getafe were fine for me in the cup though everyone know's I'd rather have Toon
count me in please! gt: nathers.

I can host the league site if needs be, I would also code one but not sure I have the time. If anyone has a or has access to a php league script get it over to me and I can implement/tweak it as is needed.

As for teams I think [3 - 3.5] or [3.5 - 4] random assigned would be best
count me in please! gt: nathers.

I can host the league site if needs be, I would also code one but not sure I have the time. If anyone has a or has access to a php league script get it over to me and I can implement/tweak it as is needed.

As for teams I think [3 - 3.5] or [3.5 - 4] random assigned would be best

I disagree NaTe as a few people playing in the Cup the difference between 3.5 & 4 stars was bad, and didnt really make it totally even (although I did put out 2 4star teams :))

If there is gunna be a star limit keep it one star. Personally I think 3star bang in the middle.
I think you are probably right bailey12856, I presume there are enough 3 star teams, I'm not sure there is a big difference in 3 - 3.5 is there?
I disagree NaTe as a few people playing in the Cup the difference between 3.5 & 4 stars was bad, and didnt really make it totally even (although I did put out 2 4star teams :))

If there is gunna be a star limit keep it one star. Personally I think 3star bang in the middle.

totaly agree, i had a 3.5 star and the difference was noticable, although i put a 4 star out, it was prob one of the best matches i played, aderson then pretty much owned me as a 4 star.

stick to one star rating, im happy with anything but 4.5/5 star, personal preference 1 or 2 star
I have just re-read the thread, and just wondering if people are wanting to play the games in a weekly format or just play as an when. I know it is easier to just say "here are the players play when you like" however this means there is no definite end date and that is when leagues can drag.

What are your guys thoughts on this? free for all, weekly, bi weekly, 3/4 games to be played in two week period?
I have just re-read the thread, and just wondering if people are wanting to play the games in a weekly format or just play as an when. I know it is easier to just say "here are the players play when you like" however this means there is no definite end date and that is when leagues can drag.

What are your guys thoughts on this? free for all, weekly, bi weekly, 3/4 games to be played in two week period?

last league think we had a date for when a set amount of games needed to be played
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