Filling out a Police witness statement

18 Oct 2002
I witnessed a road accident a few months ago - polish guy fell asleep and lost control of his car in front on me and hit central reservation - I rang the Police.

Police have sent me a witness form to complete. Just wondering if anyone knows whether I'm actually legally obliged to fill out the witness form or not?

Last time I offered myself as a witness I wish I hadn't of bothered - I got a whole load of grief including have some baggy trousered ****wit trying to intimidate me outside the court.

If I fill this thing out but say I'm not prepared to go to court to help them out then would my request be adhered to or can they make me go to court?
Interesting to know. I witnessed a hit and run incident and filled out said form, I've since had the penis try and follow me home.

Price for having a relatively rare car with a stupid numberplate I guess.

Had a call asking me to go in and make a statement. I'll probably do it, but gotta wonder if its worth the hassle.
Just say you now cant remember clearly if you cant be bothered.
The driver hit the reservation hard and a girl in the back of his car had blood coming from her nose so I helped her out - mainly just to calm her down as she was in shock.

Basically they'd all been working on the farms in Evesham and were on the way home - according to one of his passengers driver suffered with diabetes and his blood sugar was low and he may have zonked out for a second.

It's not that I can't be bothered - it's that I got a ****load of grief last time I did the "right thing".

Slept on it and I've decided to fill it out and agree I will go to court if needed.

If anything happens to my kneecaps between now and then I'll blame you lot. :p
I received a form recently after I stopped to help out at an accident. Grief or not, I still think it's worth doing the right thing mate. :)
I received a form recently after I stopped to help out at an accident. Grief or not, I still think it's worth doing the right thing mate. :)

its always nice to do the right thing but a few years back i witnessed an armed robbery. you do end up with a bit of a moral dilema regarding doing the right thing (i dont see how sticking a gun at someones face and asking for money can be justified ever) versus the idea that these are armed robbers, they wont want people knowing or seeing whats been going on
I used to deal with robbery (often armed) regularly, unfortunately through work (in my previous role within the company I work in) and have had to go to court as an expert witness a few times - it's part and parcel of it (but the meetings with the APCO do help give you confidence you're going to be ok). If people kept shying away criminals will keep getting away with it.

However Matt, I COMPLETELY sympathise with your dilema, certainly if you're not used to dealing with the police and the cjs it is daunting.
If people kept shying away criminals will keep getting away with it.

thats the annoying bit! i decided to mtfu, take a visit back to the town (id moved away from there between the incident date and the hearing) and convinced myself to take it, psychologically, as light as possible.

thing is, with the polish driver, did he hurt anyone else or they just trying to prosecute him for a dangerous driving etc?
I witnessed the aftermath of a stolen car hitting someones drystone wall, as i was driving towards the location of the crash i spotted someone running down the road.

Anyways long story short i ended up going back to the place of the crash and speaking to a traffic officer and giving a witness statement, the officer was really nice about it all and was pleased i took the time to help them out, he gave me a copy of the form and i got update letters about what went on.

It was the right thing to do and i'd have no issue doing it again.
thing is, with the polish driver, did he hurt anyone else or they just trying to prosecute him for a dangerous driving etc?

Just his passenger, his car and the central reservation - they're going for dangerous driving. When he hit the reservation he kicked up a load of debris that pelted some cars on the other side of the carriageway - but really it wasn't a major nasty accident.

If it goes to court I'm sure there'll be no bother - but I just didn't want the hassle. Last time was a gun offence so perhaps that explains why I got grief for it including the Police knocking on my door at 6am the following morning to get me to the Police station to make a statement. 6am ffs and I witnessed the incident at 1am. Police just don't do themselves any favours sometimes.
However Matt, I COMPLETELY sympathise with your dilema, certainly if you're not used to dealing with the police and the cjs it is daunting.

It's not only that, but in my case I've seen the perpetrator in question twice now locally. He knows who I am by what I drive and has tried to follow me home once.

I'm going to do it anyway, and I'm not scared of him -I just could do without the hassle of it. Especially if he sees my car parked up one night.
If it goes to court I'm sure there'll be no bother - but I just didn't want the hassle. Last time was a gun offence so perhaps that explains why I got grief for it including the Police knocking on my door at 6am the following morning to get me to the Police station to make a statement. 6am ffs and I witnessed the incident at 1am. Police just don't do themselves any favours sometimes.

How inconsiderate of them, not to allow you a lie in and breakfast in bed before dragging you out to make a statement about a violent gun crime :p.
It's not only that, but in my case I've seen the perpetrator in question twice now locally. He knows who I am by what I drive and has tried to follow me home once.

I'm going to do it anyway, and I'm not scared of him -I just could do without the hassle of it. Especially if he sees my car parked up one night.

Yeah it's a tough one mate :( I don't know what to suggest.
I've been a whitness a couple of times, once when a lorry drove into a car in it's blind spot in front of me on the A5 and the second for the tracking thingy on my car. On the first I also attended court and stood in the question box to be questioned by the majistrates and lawyer, the second is looking like I won't be called based on my latest update. I wouldn't imagine this type of incident above would create hassle of baggy trouser man but I dont believe your obliged to respond. A sleepy Polish driver wrote off my mums car a few months back, could have killed her so I am perhaps less than objective about these thing, but I'd fill it in and go with what comes with that, as I have done before.
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